Ive had 3 children, I was sterilised 11 years ago, Procedure was reversed in May and since February I have been taking opks and I don't get a positive result..
Since April I've had bloods done and levels are so low at 0.7 they call it annovulation.
Been started on Clomid this cycle, currently CD21 and just got my results back and they are only 5.1 so even clomid isn't working.
Is this the end for me now?
Really thought I would be ok given I've 3 children already
Im in the now, don't even know when AF is due as my cycles are all over.....
Since April I've had bloods done and levels are so low at 0.7 they call it annovulation.
Been started on Clomid this cycle, currently CD21 and just got my results back and they are only 5.1 so even clomid isn't working.
Is this the end for me now?
Really thought I would be ok given I've 3 children already
Im in the now, don't even know when AF is due as my cycles are all over.....