I need some suggestions please!!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2006
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Hello ladies!

My AF is not due until next Thursday and I am driving myself mad with the wait! Does anyone have any suggestions to keep my mind off hoping for a BFP? I am having cramps and today I have sore boobs whenever I reach up bend over or touch them (not something I usually get) but from reading the threads I am presuming that this is normal when TTC and AF will probably come. I am the most impatient person ever and if I want something I make sure it happens but this is out of my control!! I work from my computer at home so cannot get myself to stop surfing the net about pregnancy.

Good luck to everyone waiting for a BFP xx
sorry but theres no escape.... those last 2 weeks wait for AF (or not!!!)are the killer... But your not far off now... Only one more week to wait. Sainsburys do a really sensitive test - you might be able to use around tuesday..

good luck! and in the mean time surf surf surf...

Thanks for the tip but I live in Denmark. I have ordered some tests off ebay but they haven't arrived yet - probably a good thing!
As Hayley said.. it is torture!! I just forced myself to read books.. non pregnancy ones and destract myself with other things like exercise, dog walking and watching movies.... fortunately we weren't really trying at the time due to a few compliacations after my m/c so I was not expecting any good news.. but I too had a few niggles and sore boobs from after ovulation for 10 days.. and I knew that was not normal so I tested 4 days early [with tests I bought from ebay!] and had a very faint line straight away ... so not long now for you to wait!!!

Good luck!
Congratulations Anna Marie! I have also ordered tests from ebay but they haven't arrived yet. Lets hope I get a BFP too! xx
When I was PG last year (sadly it ended in m/c) the first symptom that I had was really, really sore boobs. They started to get sore from around four DPO. At the time I thought that it was a symptom of AF, but it turned out to be the opposite and looking back now, I should have realised something was different because I never have sore boobs at any time of the month. Hopefully this will mean the same for you! Fingers crossed and good luck! :wink:

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