I need advice girls...


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2007
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My husband has dropped a bombshell on me.He wants another baby!

Now this isn a bad thing but im terrified that I will miscarry again, I would love another baby - but afraid about loosing it and all the other stuff that comes part and package with a baby.

I asked him why he wanted another baby and he just said he feels the family isnt complete after all because of the void that the baby we lost has left.

Im scared in all honesty.But i want a baby too despite saying i dont.Theres this huge void now and I need to fill it.

On the plus side I have all the baby stuff i need lol
mrs_tommo22 said:
My husband has dropped a bombshell on me.He wants another baby!

Now this isn a bad thing but im terrified that I will miscarry again, I would love another baby - but afraid about loosing it and all the other stuff that comes part and package with a baby.

I asked him why he wanted another baby and he just said he feels the family isnt complete after all because of the void that the baby we lost has left.

Im scared in all honesty.But i want a baby too despite saying i dont.Theres this huge void now and I need to fill it.

On the plus side I have all the baby stuff i need lol

i would wait a year or two before TTC - give your body a break.
You've just had a baby (when most people get broody as they miss being pregnant. And you've just had a m/c - when every woman and man gets broody - because something has gone :hug: :hug:

I would wait maybe at least 2 cycles - and see how you both feel then. It'll give you chance to recover physically and a little mentally and make your decision then :hug:

of course - you could just ignore me and get at it like rabbits :wink:
well you have a three year old, a two month old and you've just had a m/c - this year you've moved house twice, changed career for you both - I'm not sure I'd be thinking straight either :hug:
I think it's great that you both want another little one but if I were you I would wait a couple of cycles and see how you feel then. Just because it will give you a bit of time to let you get your head round your new little one and your m/c too. I know how it feels to want to fill the m/c void, really I do but we have decided to wait for one cycle until TTC and actually now I've got my head round the fact that it's not going to happen right now I actually feel glad that I have a bit of space to gather myself for that scary 1st Tri experience. You've got a very small babe too so you already have a LOT going on so I would give yourself a small breathing space at least but that is totally my opinion and frankly what I think doesn't matter at all- it's how you feel about it that counts. At the end of the day your OH isn't going to go through exactly what you will if you TTC again because he is not physically going to be going through what you will be so I think you should have double the casting vote on when. :hug: :hug: :hug:

My husband has dropped a bombshell on me.He wants another baby!

Now this isn a bad thing but im terrified that I will miscarry again, I would love another baby - but afraid about loosing it and all the other stuff that comes part and package with a baby.

I asked him why he wanted another baby and he just said he feels the family isnt complete after all because of the void that the baby we lost has left.

Im scared in all honesty.But i want a baby too despite saying i dont.Theres this huge void now and I need to fill it.

On the plus side I have all the baby stuff i need lol
mrs_tommo22 said:
My husband has dropped a bombshell on me.He wants another baby!

Now this isn a bad thing but im terrified that I will miscarry again, I would love another baby - but afraid about loosing it and all the other stuff that comes part and package with a baby.

I asked him why he wanted another baby and he just said he feels the family isnt complete after all because of the void that the baby we lost has left.

Im scared in all honesty.But i want a baby too despite saying i dont.Theres this huge void now and I need to fill it.

On the plus side I have all the baby stuff i need lol

i would wait a year or two before TTC - give your body a break.
You've just had a baby (when most people get broody as they miss being pregnant. And you've just had a m/c - when every woman and man gets broody - because something has gone :hug: :hug:

I would wait maybe at least 2 cycles - and see how you both feel then. It'll give you chance to recover physically and a little mentally and make your decision then :hug:

of course - you could just ignore me and get at it like rabbits :wink:
well you have a three year old, a two month old and you've just had a m/c - this year you've moved house twice, changed career for you both - I'm not sure I'd be thinking straight either :hug:
I think it's great that you both want another little one but if I were you I would wait a couple of cycles and see how you feel then. Just because it will give you a bit of time to let you get your head round your new little one and your m/c too. I know how it feels to want to fill the m/c void, really I do but we have decided to wait for one cycle until TTC and actually now I've got my head round the fact that it's not going to happen right now I actually feel glad that I have a bit of space to gather myself for that scary 1st Tri experience. You've got a very small babe too so you already have a LOT going on so I would give yourself a small breathing space at least but that is totally my opinion and frankly what I think doesn't matter at all- it's how you feel about it that counts. At the end of the day your OH isn't going to go through exactly what you will if you TTC again because he is not physically going to be going through what you will be so I think you should have double the casting vote on when. :hug: :hug: :hug:

I don't know what to say as I've never been through such a loss :hug: neither do I have an older son, but in our case we're happy to start TTC so soon after Isaac.
I do hope you both find a happy, and right time that works out for the best :hug:
Were going to wait till december as my cycle happens a few days into the month o we have 5 weeks to decide though i think we both would like another.
Things have calmed down a lot and there mighht be a possibilty of the housng socity extending our house so we dont have to move! we woud have to move having a extra baby or not so imogen will have her own space.
I agree with the girls here on the fact that you should wait for 6 to 12 months before having a baby. You stated that you've had a m\c and your baby is only 2 months old so that was pretty quick falling pregnant and I know its not nice loosing a baby but maybe that was your body saying hey chick wait for a bit i've only just given birth to one I need a break chick. Pregnancy takes its toll on your body so let it have a rest and enjoy the baby you've got already and enjoy your son. I wish you well in whatever you decide to do.
I agree with giving your body a rest, plus u have to think about being pregnant and have a newborn to attend to, will put u under a lot of stress.
However if You feel you are ready then go for it. Bare in mind that u might concieve straight away after havin a baby (a lot of women do).
and with ttc a few months after could take several months as u kno.

Weigh up the pros and cons, do a lot of talkin bout it.

wish u luck in whichever you decide :hug:
I have to agree with Budge :hug: :hug: Plus you have Imogen to spoil rotten :cheer:
i am going to say the complete opposite, i would say go for it, if you feel emotionally and physically ready, would be a nice age gap, i had my 2 girls very close together and i wouldnt have it any other way. why dont yous not try but not prevent and see what happens, make it more fun and less stressfull.
Good luck whatever you decide to do

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