I need a yummy mummy makeover...


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2010
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Hi girls. Since having Zak i seem to have lost all confidence in myself. I am still a stone heavier than when I got pregnant, have hardly any clothes that fit and my hair colour has grown out so much my roots are massive! I wanna feel like a yummy mummy and not a big mess! Soo... has anyone got any suggestions for a new hairstyle for me ?? My hair has been the same since I was about 11 and im 24 now ! ! (see my avatar pic). thats when it was nice tho.... its like that but with much bigger roots and a bit longer. I figure my hair is the 1st thing to change because its the easiest and quickest. I just feel like Im no longer a woman or a fiancee, just a mum ! and i wouldnt change having zak for the world, I couldnt describe how much I love him, and I love being a mummy but I dont wanna forget me and who I was before !

So any suggestions would be welcome.. thanks for reading my rant !
I am useless with hairstyles but can't wait to see some suggestions! I know the feeling though...I'm finally back to normal size but most days I just get up and chuck some clothes on, dry my hair and tie it up and I just feel so dull and self-conscious! The few days I've been going somewheire and had to wear something nice and some make up I've felt a million times better, but I just don't do it most days - if I even tried to properly get ready I'd have Sam asking me to make things/do jigsaws/dance or whatever with him and I'd just feel too guilty! I seriously need a makeover! x x
Why dont you have your hair cut into a long bob? That way it is quite low maintanance but you can also tie it up if you want to? Maybe go for a colour that is similar to your natural one and get highlights underneath the top layer so if it grows out then you dont notice it!
I would love one too! Just feel like a slob most days. Then I decide to try and make an effort and put on some make up and stuff, but that only ever lasts about 2 days. I spend most of my time in the park or the playground so can't be asked. But I do feel better on the days I make an effort.
i love changing my hair and appearance haha. i had bum length blonde hair and 2 years ago and SHAVED yes SHAVED it bald for charity!! it grew back and i had it in a long bob for ages, now ive chopped it all off. just go to a salon and say "change me" and they will! haha. also, i have a guilty pleasure of buying benefit make up. its so expensive, but i love goin to their counter in boots, letting them put it on me and then i buy a couple of things. you can also buy it on ebay cheaper. so go have your make up done! x
I'd recommend goin darker-match ur roots a bit so it lasts longer or highlights with a 'veil' of natural hair colour over the top so root regrowth isn't ad obvious. I'm a hairdresser but tbh I've not done much to my hair since b4 Xmas,I gave my fringe a trim the other day (1st time in 4-5 months) and I feel amillion times better already xx
how about this for luck.. after moanin on this thread that i need a makeover, a haidresser from one of the best salons in my town has just jopined a new place next to my mums work and is offering free cut n finishs today and tomorrow. soooo im getting mine done tomorrow for absolutely nothing!! so excited ! and gonna discuss colour with her tomorrow ! yay ! xx
Yay well done you! I got my hair done in Jan but just a trim back into my have a bob and it is easy to maintain and I have grey, yes grey at 29!! So I have to cover the grey a lot but I do it myself x
I am the same with clothes and stuff hun, I went to the docs as I cannot get my wedding ring on and he said I have gained 2 stone since April last year and that I am 4 stone overweight.........way to kick a woman when she is down but I am on weightwatchers now and it is only day 3 but feel better in myself.

You are soooo lucky with your freebie haircut you will have to post it and let us all see xx Hope otherwise you and Zak are well x
hey all, haircut went realy well. im having it coloured tomorrow so il post a pic then, kellylou. besides that both me n zak r still not well. zaks developed yet another cold and i dont no whether u saw my other thread (no1 replied, :( ) but i have a hernia, im anaemic and they think my thyroid has packed in.... waiting for blood test results..... bit rubbish at mo bt at least my hairs good lol. other than that zaks amazing, sleeping thru the night and is just gorgeous ! lol. how r u and alex ? and rayoflight, hows blake ? xx

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