I need a rant


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2007
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I know I am new but I feel like jumping right in!

My man was over the moon when he found out we were to be expecting but over the past few weeks, his interest has dropped. Basically, he tells me you can still lose a baby up to 5 months, I tell him that you can still lose a baby during, pre and after birth, so what is his excuse?

I love my little one and my man with all my heart but I feel so left out. We all know how our hormones are going bonkers, one day you are happy as larry, the next you want to become a mass murder, to 'it's the end of the world'. Personally, all these mood swings are new to me, when I wasn't pregnant, my moods only changed when 'the painters were in'.

We are both under a lot of stress, I am self employed, so if I don't sell a property I don't get money. His boss is an arse and isn't paying right, our living situation is a nightmare, we live with his friend who has no respect for me or him and has recently and aggressively cornered and pushed me over. So yes, we need to move pronto but all I want is a little cuddle, notice that I am here and not just another lass pregnant. But he can't see through his own troubles and is in the scene 'nothing ever goes right for me', he never says 'us' it's always 'I' and it is starting to boil my blood. This is only recently! I just want him once to take interest like he used to and with my moods, it's not an easy thing to sort out :( :(

Am I crazy!
Of course your crazy hun, your pregnant!! And as you know have all those mad hormones turning your normally rational mind (I assume its normally rational :lol: ) into a battle ground for all sorts of emotions fighting for attention. Add to that mix the stress your both under and its a recipe for disaster, but it wont last forever and if you can sit him down and talk and tell him the physical facts of why you feel like you do (ie put into a language men can understand lol) and ask him to give you a little more reasurrance and support while your going through this.

It sounds to me like your OH is doing that thing that mens eem to do a lot, he's shielding and retreating into his cage, probably because the thought of having a baby with you is so amazing that the thought of anything going wrong is too much for him to think about.

Hope you feel better soon :hug:
Josephine_Beth said:
Basically, he tells me you can still lose a baby up to 5 months
eek whats he going doing saying stuff like that for?

i'm sorry it is so hard, here are some hugs :hug: :hug: :hug:
I agree with GGG sounds like your OH is hiding from reality coz he's scared of what might go wrong.

Seems like it might be a good time for some straight talking. You need to tell him exactly how you are feeling and that you need hugs, love and reassurance now more than ever. I'd suggest you do this away from where you are living especially if you have a hostile house mate.

If you can't talk to your OH how about writing it down, or getting him to read your post here, so he can see how you feels.

Oh and I really think you need to tell your OH about the man you are sharing with physically pushing you about. There's no reason why you have to put up with that whatever the situation.

The flat mate thing, he knows all about that, it's now a daily basis where we are blanked, not a problem, more of a peaceful life without them.

I went home this evening and sat down to talk. He listened, then had his say and realised that he had been doing things in a way that would be affecting me, apologised and then said;

'I've just ordered a large meat feast, stuff crust pizza from Pizza Hut, with a dessert of Hagaan daz'

Which is great, because I ain't had good junk food in months! Been trying to eat healthy for the baby but I think I deserve it :D

Thank you ladies for listening!
lol hope you enjoyed the pizza its sounds lovely!

Gald you got things sorted :)
Enjoyed what I could of it, he just sat there giving me that puppy eyed stared, you know when an animal is watching you eat and wants some lol No worries, he got it lol

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