my sister may be in labour
she's been having pains off and on for a few days, she's getting a lot more tonight so she's going in to be checked as she was breech and doesn't know what she is now as he keeps moving around sideways and everyway
She's 4 weeks early by their dates, 2 weeks by hers, and as she only bd's once a month if that
she's pretty certain of hers
we will wait and see - she's fuming about having to go in and be checked, as she hates the hospital and likes to get there virtually as she's pushing

she's been having pains off and on for a few days, she's getting a lot more tonight so she's going in to be checked as she was breech and doesn't know what she is now as he keeps moving around sideways and everyway
She's 4 weeks early by their dates, 2 weeks by hers, and as she only bd's once a month if that

we will wait and see - she's fuming about having to go in and be checked, as she hates the hospital and likes to get there virtually as she's pushing