I may be an auntie again tonight


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2007
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my sister may be in labour :D
she's been having pains off and on for a few days, she's getting a lot more tonight so she's going in to be checked as she was breech and doesn't know what she is now as he keeps moving around sideways and everyway
She's 4 weeks early by their dates, 2 weeks by hers, and as she only bd's once a month if that :oops: she's pretty certain of hers :wink:

we will wait and see - she's fuming about having to go in and be checked, as she hates the hospital and likes to get there virtually as she's pushing
Good luck to your sister! Do hope everything is going/has gone well.
home again :roll:

everything stopped the minute she got there - typical - now they're convinced its BH although she was in so much pain she couldn't move with each one - and its her second so she knows what shes on about

and she's breech :?
mmm It's strange to get BH's that strong esp when baby is in the breech position.

At least it gives baby more time to turn round.

wish good luck to her :D
I know - I don't think they are BH - when she's standing or walking round they get stronger and stronger, if she sits down they slow...she has to breathe round them and can't move when they come. She's still working atm.

But then this is the same hospital that told me to stop making a fuss (ie asking to see a midwife) I wasn't in labour...and I was 8 cm dilated :roll: and delivered just under 2 hours later
Aw. Hope baby turns around for her.

I read a really whacky method for getting a baby to turn in one of my books yesterday. Apparently it works in some cases. What you do is to shine a light at your vagina or play music near there and apparently baby then wants to investigate so naturally wants to turn towards it. Even if it doesn't work, you presumably can't hurt yourself by trying (unless you're laughing too much, of course).

Wishing her all the best for when it does start properly.

the worrying thing is that I could see her trying that - and showing us all - she's the sort of girl who has no sense of privacy or decorum. :rotfl:
and she's married to someone who hates any discussion of anything private (won't even use the toilet with her in the house :shock: )

we've been trying to explain labour to him (its his first) and he won't let us say anything, he just goes red and leaves - god knows whats going to happen :rotfl: I'm not 100% sure he realises where babies come from with a VD. And he won't go in for a casearean.

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