I made it!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2010
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Now what to do?

So I am still shaking and smilling uncontrollably! I got my :bfp: this morning!! :yay:
What is the next step? Do I need to make an appointment with my GP?

I just made an appointment with the midwife :) xxx

Oh and congrats again!
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I would call your gp when you are about 6 weeks. They should definately be able to confirm it then. Congratulations!!

ive got a docs appointment tomorrow hun.. x
Ooooh is too soon to call? I was going to wait until the new year, I'd be 7-8 weeks then?

What's the best thing to do?


EDIT: Also, is it normal that right now my baby looks like a dinosaur...? (See pregnology ticker!) LOL! x
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Ahhh, I'm gonna wait a few more weeks, I will still be testing though to watch the lines get darker :) x
I think I will do the same actually, I have booked an appointment for the 17th December.
I called my GP on Monday and I have an appointment tomorrow, don't necessarily need an appointment just to go and collect my pregnancy pack but as i have had a previous mc the lovely receptionist said I could see the GP if I wanted for support etc. So I'm doing that so I can discuss anything with them now so i don't have to wait to discuss it with the Midwife as I won't see her for a further few weeks.
:lol: Just realised thats next week! never mind I would be 4 weeks almost 5 by then so hopefully they will be able to tell.
I'm going to wait i think. i spoke to a friend who is a nurse and she said you're def pregnant, relax now and get on with life until 6 weeks.
yeah i done test and doc said no need for him to test me but i insisted cos didnt feel real and it was negative! lmao he said they have the cheapy ones and the ones that are shopbought are more sensitive come back in two weeks i didnt care cos i knew i was lol xx

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