I love...

Slinky Sarah

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2007
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My Big Brother :D

Hes really one in a million. Theres a big age gap between us (17 years) but we are so close and I can honestly say we have NEVER had a fight.

Tonite (ten past midnight lol) i am picking him and the SIL up from the airport then taking them home to Filey and staying. Would you believe its the first time (since last week when i did the oposite trip lol) he has ever asked me for a favor! :shock: And i love the fact he asked me :D there was mum, a few of his mates with cars etc but he asked me :cheer: :cheer:

Sorry just in a sentimental mood about my brother....Love him to bits :D and i know he loves his baby sister to bits too :D
awww thats lovely! We should definatily not take our brothers and sisters for granted!!!! My brother died 8 years ago and i hate the fact he'll never get to meet ryan but i have 3 great sisters :D We should cherish people we love :D
awww so sorry about your brother hun :( your so right about cerishing people we love though

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Its great that you have a good relationship with your brother hun.
I've got two younger brothers and i love them to bits too. I missed them more than anyone else when we were living abroad.
awwww i love heaing stories of brothers and sisters (and sisters and brothers etc) getting on :D makes me all mushy lol :D
I wonder if hes bought me anything from holiday :think: :think: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Thats the bratty spoilt baby sis comming through l :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
i cant update you all iether till sunday :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

He WILL end up in the sea at Filey if not :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: im a brat i love it :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I am actually dreading getting to their house....i want to know what state the house will be in....3 teenage boys left to their own devices for 5 days....OMG :pray: there is a house still there and a dog still sat in the house/garden (they have a habit of letting the bloody thing get out of the garden lol)

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