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i love my lil boy...


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2005
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i wuld die for him or anything and i didnt think i was a bad mum till today but maybe i am and maybe hed have been better being put up for adoption??
braydon hurt hmself today he stood him self up on a table but by the time i got there he fell and hurt his lip which made me feel really bad but then tonite i got like these lite drawer stack able things that had pictures on n he brought that down and there was pictures on the top and the glass had broke so i picked Braydon up and callled mum to bring the hoover up so i could clear it without him hurting himself
well anyway my dad came storming up saying that i should make B my main responsibility and do everything for him and take better care of him all this rweally hurt me he sed it about half hour ago and i am still crying he told me i should give B as i wasnt looking after him n hed do a better job
i do everything in my powere to make B happy everything
i hate my job and it makes me miserable but i do it for Braydon i do everything for him but im still a bad mum i still cant cope any more
UR NOT A BAD MUM SARAH!!!!! ur dad shud try n cope as well as u do!!! ur the best mummy braydon cud ever have hun dont let ne1 else tell u otherwise!
luv braiana x
Don't be upset sarah :(

The very fact that you do all you can for braydon PROVES what a fab mum you are.

I'm sure braydon wouldn't want anyone else but you to be his mummy!

He's at that age where he's bound to be curious and getting himself into trouble, but don't blame it on yourself!

I hope i'll be as good a mum as you are!

Love izzyx
I say you're a great mum and whatever I say.... GOES ok!!!!!!!

Emilia xx :D
Awww sarah (((hugs)))

Every baby has accidents, mine has had 2 black eyes within 3 weeks :shock: Take no notice of your dad I'm sure your a great mam :D
I'm sure your dad didn't mean it maybe he was having a bad day. You're a great mum :D
awww you're not a bad mum!

Lydia gave herself a black eye the other day and I've just caught her trying to eat an elastic band that I didn't know was there.

Things happen that you can't always control - you are doing the best you can and that's what matters.
you are NOT a bad mum - we all have bad days and baby will have more bumps n bruises along the way, but you are doing great being a single mum.
I know its hard sometimes to ignore your parents, i know coz i take everything my parents say to heart.
But i'm sure he dont mean it.
Just you wait till B smiles at you and you will know in your heart you are not a bad mum!!!
Sarah hun you are not a bad mum, you give loads of people on this forum positive advice.

most people's children have accidents whilst in their care. i mean my joshua has broken his leg, and he fell down the stairs when he was 2. Kieran fell over when he was 2 in the kitchen and split his head, i let him hold my mates dog lead once and it pulled him over and he split his lip. you cant watch your children 24 / 7 and your dad should know better then to say that. make him come on this site we will all tell him.

B would not be better being adopted. i cant wait for the day that you come on this site and say that B said to you that he is proud that you are his mum.

wait until he says that he loves you, better than anything in the world.
omg he should not have said that! I HOPE HE SAYS SORRY i cant count the times my boys have fallen and hurt themselves its all part of growing up and it happens sometimes, AND YOU CANT HELP IT! dont let him upset you yor a terrific mum and dont doubt yourself.

we all know your a fab mummy, i still cant believe your dad said that. :( :hug:

my mum just came up and sed ur not still upset about the truth are u ?? i mean no of course im not being told im not being a good mum by the two people i love most in the world after B makes me wanna jump for joy
Sorry had to re read that afew times coz i couldn't believe it, your mum agrees with your dad?! thats horrible.
You are such a good, mum if you weren't you'd be out partying every night, not working etc.
Lets hope you can get this job you were on about and make them feel VERY guilty!!
((((hugs)))) :hug:
sarah have you thought about leaving home at all. are you entitled to a council place.

to me (sorry if i have got this wrong) as an outsider, it seems that your mum and dad want to raise Braydon. Like i said, i am sorry if i am wrong.

Just a question Sarah, have you got a brother.

it might be worth you having a word with you health advisor or something, this might help you get your own place.

i apologise if i have got this all wrong.

Sarah that's terrible and utterly untrue - you're a great mum and no one could love B as much as you. I think they need to look at themeselves for examples of poor parenting. How can they tell their daughter those things??? I would consider moving out - you don't need that negativity.
I don't understand it! You are a great mam and by the sounds of it all of this came out of the blue!!

are they both going through menopause :D maybe it's their hormones? xx
Take no notice of them, I'd be so proud of you if you were my daughter, maybe they're not seeing the wood for the trees (or whatever the saying is - I know what I mean!!)

As you know, I was in a similar situation when I had Daniel, living at home. My brother died as a baby and Daniel was a kind of replacement for him (although mum and dad never said as much). I'm too over-protective, but mum was far worse. She had me setting the alarm clock at ten minute intervals during the night for 6 months so I could check on him. With hindsight (and after many long discussions about it), Daniel was their chance to right all the things they'd done wrong bringing me up - they could look on, tell me what to do, and it was easy for them because they weren't the ones doing it. They were heart broken when we moved out, but we had to do it, and I get on with them both far better now than I ever did - my mum is my best mate :hug: .
davina said:
sarah have you thought about leaving home at all. are you entitled to a council place.

to me (sorry if i have got this wrong) as an outsider, it seems that your mum and dad want to raise Braydon. Like i said, i am sorry if i am wrong.

Just a question Sarah, have you got a brother.

it might be worth you having a word with you health advisor or something, this might help you get your own place.

i apologise if i have got this all wrong.


This may be untrue but it does seem a little funny they are saying these things and a bit like they want to take control i definatley think you should get your own place you wont know yourself i stayed with my mum for a while with my first little boy, i felt she was trying to take over but she would never accuse me of being a bad mother she tells me shes proud of me all the time its really unfair what they both said and i think you should tell them this.
That is the cruellest thing I have ever heard.

Your Mom and Dad are wrong, dead wrong.

It's been difficult for you, but you are doing it. And you are doing it alone, with precious little help from Braydon's Dad or your own parents, by the look of things.

Remember, you are Braydon's mum and they can't make you do anything. You are the one who makes the decisions.

You are not a bad mum. You're a brilliant mum. I found myself wishing just now that there was some way I could take up the phone and talk to your parents, give them a piece of my mind.

You are doing something your Mom didn't do - you are raising a child alone and at the age of 18.

It might hurt to do this, but I agree you should think about getting your own place, you are entitled. Other than that do you have any relatives - cousins or the like, that you can stay with till you get sorted?

Having said that, if you suddenly move out, your parents might actually start to appreciate the fact that they miss you.

Horrible, horrible things to say.



Hun like i said when i was talking to you last ngith your such a good mom and for both your prentrs to say such mean stuff to you in more then one occasion is wrong.
I know your dad came up and apologized but you should talk to them and tell them how you feel when they say these things to you .
Every child gets into trouble and hurts themselves but have youever noticed how strong they are ..
Im sure once Kiara is on teh go more she will be getting hurt often..
if it gets any worse and doesnt stop i would look into council liek you said to me ,last night and if your upset B will be upset too.
Hope things get better for you hun...
big hugs.
Katrina xxxx
davina said:
sarah have you thought about leaving home at all. are you entitled to a council place.

to me (sorry if i have got this wrong) as an outsider, it seems that your mum and dad want to raise Braydon. Like i said, i am sorry if i am wrong.

Just a question Sarah, have you got a brother.

it might be worth you having a word with you health advisor or something, this might help you get your own place.

i apologise if i have got this all wrong.

u r rite hun they do try and be 'in charge' of Braydon no they dont have a son Braydon is the boy they wanted but didnt have if it makes sence

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