I Love IT!!!

i just think lil babas look so cute in them i went to buy a lil coat aswell was so cute but then i was reminded that it wud be summer in no time after hes born :(
G3M said:
ive a thing for snowsuits and his got far too many and i know we'll end up getting summer early and wont use them :cry:
We have too! Woolies had them going for a fiver and I just couldn't resist...
Babylicious said:
i've changed my mind 100 times since packing my bag :rotfl: :rotfl:

Me to :rotfl: Iv also re-packed my back a 100 times.
I havent even started to think about my hospital bag yet!!!

:shock: :shock: :shock:

Better get my ass into gear cos panic is starting to set in!
im scared if i leave my bag i will need it earlier then i think lool and if i do it now i wont need it till im 42 weeks :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
i got 2 1/2 wks left till my due date and i still aint done my bag properly, i had it half done but took it all out again the other wk to re-do the baby clothes as i'd bought other ones i wanted to take and haven't re-packed it yet :shock: i keep thinking about doing it but don't get round to it :lol:

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