I know it's early so don't mob me lol


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2009
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What are you going to buy for your 1 or 2 year olds for Christmas? I usually start getting bits in around July but I'm really stumped at what to get! Xx
I don't know! Drake's 1t birthday is in October so he'll probably have most stuff then! Hmmm, need to get thinking!
No idea atm, but Oz is gonna be 1 on 29 December so we are always gonna be twice as skinted out from now on... didn't thinkthat through when ttc lol
I've started already :blush: Odhráns getting, Mickey Mouse Activity Clubhouse, it has a slide on it too, mega bloks table and blocks, special edition Mickey Mouse Train, Aquadoodle, Thomas bubble train, Fisher Price garage, Mickey Mouse patio set.. They're the ones I can think of atm. Do you have a back? The patio set would be lovely for the 2 boys x
I've started already :blush: Odhráns getting, Mickey Mouse Activity Clubhouse, it has a slide on it too, mega bloks table and blocks, special edition Mickey Mouse Train, Aquadoodle, Thomas bubble train, Fisher Price garage, Mickey Mouse patio set.. They're the ones I can think of atm. Do you have a back? The patio set would be lovely for the 2 boys x

OMG our friends granddaughter would LOVE that mickey mouse thing, will have to tell them about it. We spent about 3 hours watching MMCH series link on saturday... can't stop singing the bloody theme song still lol
I went to the disney store the other day and got her a little mermaid purse and bag, shes got a swing slide thing for her birthday and shes got a smart trike so I'm stumped!! I'll use the 20% of ELC birthday voucher to get her christmas gift
Mine are 2+3 in November :shock: gona get them dolls stuff then and then for Xmas I'm getting them both bikes! Probs s few other bits too! I'd be happy just getting them that, but OH wants to get them mire!
Ahhhh I might get them bikes! Good idea. I like the idea of the aqua doodle too. My problems that I buy for them all the time. I really need to curb it so im not so stuck wen It comes to Christmas and birthdays xx
ive decided haha!! madison is getting a 2yr old bike, a tv dvd player for her room wall /car and small bits, tbh i got her farrr too much last year and its untouched :blush: we bought her aquadoodle and its bback in the box - not interested so im just buying tv as eventually itll defo get used and bike as obv its a bike haha and just a few wee bits xx
I'm gonna get Odhrán a tv when he's a bit older for his wall, like when he's old enough to have friends etc in.. Was really tempted to get one of the vtech reading books you know with the pen, but he is a bit young really x
well madison only watches music so im gonna get sky in her room so she can listen to music lmao :rofl: i know i sound mad but she needs to be able to potter about in her own room xx
well madison only watches music so im gonna get sky in her room so she can listen to music lmao :rofl: i know i sound mad but she needs to be able to potter about in her own room xx

Isla has sky already in her room! It's for me during night feeds but now I use it to keep me entertained during cleaning :)

I cant wait for christmas because iam gonna dercorate the house really nice etc and when she is older as they belive in santa got some good ideas up my sleeve but i think for her Christmas gonna get her some clothes teddys toys and prob a big present but i have no idea what thou lol
Jakey and spooky already have a tv/DVD player. I was in their room but they started wanting it on for bed and I put my foot down and removed it. They have a little tv room snug kinda thing now with their toys in. Xx
The aquadoodles are fab! I don't get ours out often but they love it! And I do too :blush: I only ever really buy toys for birthdays/Xmas/special occasions with me being skint, so I want it to be more of a treat when they get them! I've got a big thing about tvs in rooms, I only just got one in my room cos the tv part broke so I had to get a new one! The old ones in mu room for watching DVDs! Me and OH were discussing it last night actually! He thinks I should get then one, but my foots gone down on this one!
I have NO idea. Im finding his birthday quite stressful cos we're broke! He will definately know more of whats going on this christmas and I really dont know what to get him!

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