I keep rats

i have 12 snakes - 2 bearded dragons. 2 cats. 1 rabbit. and 3 fish tanks!

hoping to get some tropical frogs soon :)
Do husbands and pre teens who fart like a ships fog horn count? :lol:

If not its just two annoying sh*t bags which some people like to call cats... :roll:
we have a crazy boxer dog, and 8 cats!!! yes i am the crazy cat lady frm the simpsons :rotfl: :rotfl:
2 dogs,2 gerbils,1 rabbit,2 guinea pigs and a goldfish :D 1 of my dogs and my LO dont really get on as the dogs a young lab and far too boisterous.Caden just cries at him.hes fine with the old farty dog just not the young one.
Aw lets see your Boxer KittyMom :D I'm obsessed with them now :hug:
we got a cat, a hamster and some fishes. my sister has some snakes. my boyf used to keep lizards- he had a bearded dragon, a gecko, an iguana and a boss monitor lizard.
Somebody that I know has 7 cats, 1 dog, over 70 rats :shock:
i have 1 cat, 2 bearded dragons, 2 leopard geckos, 1 crested gecko
my bf has 2 snakes (boas) 1 corn snake, 7 tokay lizards, 1 collared lizard, 6 scorpions, 13 spiders oo and a toad
1 big fat ginger cat called toby & 2 roborovszki dwarf hamsters called chubby & chico x

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