i keep having dreams about the world sorta ending..


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2007
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this might sound stupid but i do... i have them about 2 times a week and now and again they involve zombies...last nights dream everyone in my family appart from me,charlotte and my mother turned into one...my brother got bit on the nose and text us not to come and find him but to drive as far away as possible. they slowly started turning into them for no reason

i bashed alex over the head and dragged him to the bedroom and put edward in his carseat in there (alive) and left them there i kept asking my mum to go and chk ed to see if he was a zombie or not just incase coz i didnt want him to be anymore but i couldnt kill him coz he was my baby..what the hell is wrong with me lol? a lot of my dreams involve me trying to protect ed... 1 was a tsunami and i was trying to swim up so he could get air.. i woke up before the end thank god..he actyually has never died in any of them.. but hes always involved almost always gets the dream disease. wtfs my mind doing lol
i find if i am stressed, angry or worried i have awful dreams some times they really scare me
Stress can definately make me have shitty dreams. Maybe mention this to GGG, she has a huge interest in dreams etc :wink:
The few weeks after I had Elliott I had nightmare after nightmare about me trying to protect him- I remember one where I was running through a car park while a huge T-Rex stalked round the outside trying to eat him! I think it was because I was so concerned about being able to look after him so my unconscious mind just kept on thinking about that while I was asleep. Could it be something similar?

Sounds like stress coming out in your dreams, you've been trying to protect ed at the moment and your stress/anxieties regarding that seem to be coming out in your dreams... :hug:

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