I keep getting frightened...

Rubys mummy

Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2006
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I have been so relaxed and chilled out so far-I am so happy to be PG and I can honestly say I have loved every second of being PG.

The past few days I have been getting really scared that things will go wrong...I felt the baby move last week and havent felt anything since.
Two people I know have lost thier babies around this stage, and I am so scared of something going wrong.

I am feeling panicky and close to tears and I dont want to feel like this, I was so happy before.

Anyone else felt like this? Whats wrong with me? :cry:

Sorry to go onxxxxxxxxxxx
there is nothing wrong with u its normal hun when did you last feel bubs move
I am not sure what I felt, but about a week ago I felt a somersault feeling low down on left...at midwife appointment I mentioned it and she said it was prob the baby. Heard the heartbeat then too good and strong.

Have felt a few twitches since but nothing to make me think it cud be the baby....as its my first tho I am not sure what I should be feeling.

Got 20 week scan two weeks wednesday, I am counting the days so I can see baby and know all is well xxxxx
don't worry about feeling baby yet hun even with my second i was 19 weeks so try not to worry
Thanks, I know I am being silly and I have been so positive all the way through this pregnancy...

I guess I am tired and over worked!!

Thanks again, sending a hug as a "Thanks" for listening :hug: xx
awww zoe i was the same im sure all is ok :hug: she or he will soon strt kicking REALLY hard :D
Zoe, I still worry now, especially if my LO doesn't move the same as she did the day before. We are all new to this and so have no idea what to expect. I find now that baths are a good way to make baby move, I flick some water over my belly and she wriggles like mad. At your stage I can't really remember how regularly I felt things, but it certainly wasn't an obvious boot every day. Try to relax, there is no reason why things should go wrong, your 20 week scan will be here before you know it and will calm any fears you might have....for a little while at least!!
I went through the same thing hun at that stage,i felt flutterings and then i felt nothing for just over a week,i was also scared something was wrong and did a post about it myself. Baby is still small and has probably changed position,you will be fine :hug:,when i started to get movements again they were different and a lot stronger :D xx
Its normal when baby is so small to feel movement then nothing for days! With my first i didn't feel anything till i was around 21 weeks and that was only with my hand on my belly. Still couldn't feel anything on the inside.
I spent the first week of the 3rd trimester worrying! My kicks had slowed down and were all really low whereas I'd been getting them above the belly button before. When I saw my midwife she siad the baby had turned head up and was probably kicking a lot towards my back so they can still move about for ages without feeling much. I like you felt regular kicks quite early which although nice just makes the paranoia start earlier! At around your stage I realised if I stayed up past midnight the baby would be having a party in there and I obviously sleep through most of it.

Once you have had your 20 week scan you will relax (for a little while anyway :lol: )
Thanks guys :hug:

I tried lying really still last night and this morning in bed, and nothing...sat here before and gently proded by belly and think I felt a small flutter, so tried again and felt it again...

Going to try and relax a bit more, and wait to see what the 20 week scan brings I am sure once I see the baby somersaulting everywhere like my 12 week scan, I will be reassured!! ( for a while anyway!!)

No one warns you how worrying pregnancy can be, I am so glad I have you guys to talk, its nice to know I am not alone feeling like this. xxxxxx
Zoe, I know how your feeling, I think im feeling movements now, they are getting more and more regular, like little twitches now and then. I was thinking 'Oh its just wind' but now I think it must be my baby. It is worrying, especially when we have never done this before and dont know what to expect, sometimes I think 'Will I ever feel a big kick and know for sure its the baby' it may sound ridiculous but you prob know where im coming from
I do Jaidy...been to my mums tonight, my sis was there. She is 20 weeks and is HUGE, really big and looks dead pregnant, she can feel her baby all the time...I feel really small in comparrison. Trying not to stress, I should be lucky I am not huge yet as I dont look pregnant.
Everyone is diffrent I suppose and I am doing everything right so I should just relax and enjoy this wonderful time!!
I cant wait to hold this precious thing now, I cant believe I am going to be a mummy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cheer: xx
zoe c said:
I have been so relaxed and chilled out so far-I am so happy to be PG and I can honestly say I have loved every second of being PG.

The past few days I have been getting really scared that things will go wrong...I felt the baby move last week and havent felt anything since.
Two people I know have lost thier babies around this stage, and I am so scared of something going wrong.

I am feeling panicky and close to tears and I dont want to feel like this, I was so happy before.

Anyone else felt like this? Whats wrong with me? :cry:

Sorry to go onxxxxxxxxxxx

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
its perfectly normal Zoe. We all have fears about our pregnancy and babies what ever stage we are at. If you didn't worry you wouldn't be normal. :hug: :hug:
Just relax and try and enjoy every minute.

hows the pooch
Thanks Budge :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Ahh, poochie is ADORABLE!!! We had her hair cut friday, we had tried to trim her with OH clippers and made a rite mess!!! They have tidied her up

Here she ithe other night waiting for her daddy to get of the train from work...

Wheres my daddy, where!!?????????????????
Oh God love her :D

i hope she wore her seatbelt.
Sorry you are feeling anxious Zoe. I have a really small bump too compared to the girls at work due around the same time and you can't help but be worried the baby's not growing properly. We will be thankful of our small bumps over the coming months!

The best thing I ever did was buy a doppler from ebay. When I am feeling anxious, I just put it over the baby and listen to the heartbeat. Get one if you can!

Lyns xx
Thanks Lynds :hug:
I have been considering a doppler, want to ring midwife to go and listen to heartbeat but I dont want them to think I am neurotic!!!!!??? I HATE feeling so sad and scared, I have loved every second so far of this pregnancy, its been perfect and I think I am so scared as it is so perfect, something can go wrong??!! Does that sound stupid??xxx
You should just ring the midwife. I am sure they get people ringing when they feel anxious. You shouldn't be scared hun, everything is going so well so far and we are nearly half the way through.

I have been anxious for most of my pregnancy so I am used to this feeling although I have just started chilling out a little now - we have swopped over! Give her a call, it will put your mind at rest :hug:
Keep your chin up hunny, I know exactly what you mean I feel like this alot, I felt little movement around 18 weeks but wait till you get to 20 hunny!!! you will be feeling it a lot !!!! :D :hug:

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