I just wanted to say .........


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2008
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I really just wanted to put a post up and say thank you to everyone in TTC for all the support ive had in here since we started TTC....

You girls are fab... I have learnt to much for you girls and I know I wouldn't have got my BFP without it!! I knew nothing apart from you have sex to make babies!!!! :oops:

When ever I was down someone picked me up and made me focus on why I was here and what I was doing!! its been the best start of the baby roller coaster ever and I cant wait till you are all moving over to 1st Tri!!

I will still be around cause ya cant keep me out of the TTC section :talkhand:

I have made some amazing friends on my journey and cant wait till we are all cuddling our babs!!! I promise you it wont be long for all of you!!! just when ya least expecting it like me!!!!

I love you all girls and just wanted to say thanks

well ill stop now cause im sat with tears in my eyes :lol:

good luck, baby dust and keep positive no matter what gets thrown at you... its all worth it :)

luv you all

xx Lesley xx
Awww what a lovely post :D I have only just joined TTC so am not someone who helped you along but have enjoyed getting to know you recently :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Snuggle said:
Awww what a lovely post :D I have only just joined TTC so am not someone who helped you along but have enjoyed getting to know you recently :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

you ALL helped buy just been here and knowing I wasnt going throu it alone!!! its yr turn next... u have the lucky BFP testing thread :lol:
that just bought tears to my eyes :)

i can imagine how elated you are mrs brightside, i remember the feeling well with my BFP for DS. :cheer:

enjoy it and also enjoy your time in 1st trimester its s0 exciting!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
Aw hun! you got me cryin......again!! lol!

I told you yesterday when i text ya, that i am over the moon that you got your bfp!! I really consider you (and my fellow ttc'rs) good friends and am sad that you are moving up to 1st tri without me........fingers crossed i will be joining you and the others before too long tho lol!!

Hopefully next year we will manage a meet up with our baba's xx :pray:
AW that's lovely to hear after a bad day. I am over the moon for you, you will always be welcome in ttc. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
You have me in tears here Mrs B (Oooooo I hope that's a good sign....I know slap my wrists....sympton spotting again). Without sounding like a stalker I'm looking forward to following your next 9 months.....and really hoping I get to share the experience with you as well. :hug:

Hey MrsB

Congrats Hun :cheer:

Hope you have a Happy and Healthy 8/9months :hug:

Hopefully I will be with you soon!

Kate x
Bless you MrsB.... I've had such a S**T day today, and was in tears when I got home... and you have just set me off again. I'm so pleased you have got your BFP, and I can't wait to join you in 1st Tri :pray:
Be sure to look after yourself and the little miracle growing inside you :cheer:
Awww Hun , what a Happy but Tear Jerking Post!

Congratulations Again Babe! :cheer: :cheer:

I look forward to coming to see you in 1st Tri very soon along with all our other TTC friends!

Have A Happy and Healthy 9 Months !

:hug: :hug: :hug:
I don't know if I congratulated you or not, but I'll say it here. CONGRATULATIONS :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

You better not leave us :shakehead: I'll come stalk you in the trimester threads if you dare leave us :talkhand: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
awww what a thoughtful message.

I really hope you have a happy and healthy pregnancy and can't wait to join ya in 1st tri. :D
aww ur such a sweetie! thankyou to you as well for all ur support. wishing u all the sticky baby dust in the world, have a happy and healthy 9 months and fingers crossed we'll be joinning u in tri one soon. :hug:
Congratulations Mrs B - I hope you have a happy & healthy 9 months xx

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