I just want to apologise......


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2005
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For not posting responses very much lately. Especially to those who are in labour, given birth etc.

Things are hectic here and Im constantly back and forward between houses trying to sort stuff out. I dont have an internet connection at the new house yet, so I rarely get online, and when I do its not for long.

Just wanted you all to know Im not being rude and I am still thinking about you all and sending lots of love. I also want to say thank you for everyones help, advice, love etc in recent months. I will post a thread for that when Im online at my house.

So Im sorry if you think I have been rude or ungrateful!!!!

Lots of love. Lou :hug: :hug: :hug:

Oh and Hi to all the newcomers in tri 3!!! :wave:
Aw, everyone has other stuff going on and I think I speak for everyone else when I say don't worry about it.
You have been very busy what with your moving and things. Just so long as you let us know how you're getting on, we're all happy :hug: :D
we know you have a lot on sweetie so dont worry hun noone thinks your being rude
:hug: :D :wave:
no probs wiv us, u got loads 2 do
good luck wiv it all
No worries Lulu, it sounds like you've got a lot on your plate! It's not always easy to find time to get on here (I struggle too and often feel like I'm being rude in not posting for days) but I'm positive it's similar for a lot of us.

Just take care of yourself and keep us posted.

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