i just know it's coming


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2010
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Stupid AF is due in like an hours time, and i just know it is on it's way. I've been cramping yesterday and today and i'm feeling sick. I did a p test today, just couldn't help myself!! and it was negative again dammit!!!
I feel really rubbish at the moment, i don't get why we're not conceiving, i've done it 3 times already. Feels like my body is just failing and i feel like i'm letting my man down it sucks! x
awwwww hun!!!! how long have you been trying for???? x x x x x x and your still not out till the :witch: comes i was cramping all week and then just spotting i even thought i had af then it stopped after like 20 mins then came then stopped so you never know and i really have my fingers crossed for you xx x x x
we've only been trying for 3 months and we had chemical miscarriage the first time.
i just do not want this stupid af but the fact i was negative today and the cramping i am having.. it's SOOO my af! x
awww hun if it helps it can take upto a year to consieve for a natural healthy couple :) x x x
Hey guys it's not here yet but other half will not give me the pregnancy test as it could still come and it'd be a waste. I was dancing round my bedroom earlier begging for the damn thing, whilst trying to hold in the all important first wee of the morning LMAO .. i think part of his "hmmmm... no" was just to watch me jigging round the place lmao!
Fingers crossed the witch doesn't make a return today, tomorrow or anytime for the next 9mths.!!
thankyou!! i didn't wanna get up out of bed today incase it suddenly came. That's just silly!! if it's gonna come it comes when i'm laying down, standing up and would prob still come if i was upside down lollll
but i know exactly what u mean...i been there! scared to move cos u just dont want it to come!! i would get FRER and test or CB digital? x
Well we've got a first response here but other half says to wait lol i did clear blue yesterday it was neg but not a didgi one
i know its scary if u have had a bfn but all tests are different? and remember every day the hcg will get stronger if your pregnant...i have heard FR is a good one. x
Yay!! well shall i wait until tomorrow morning as i have been to the toilet now so the first morning urine has gone :(
I do honestly feel so groggy though down there, like my period is literally gonna come any second. Last month it came at 1am as i was still awake but so far this month, it's not yet arrived and i soooo wish it wouldn't! but i'm still cramping x
i've gone to the loo about an hour ago and when i wiped i had some blood, not a happy girl! i'm not due for another 5 days, so couldnt believe it as i'm quite regular. i've been doing toilet trips every twenty mins since but theres nothing there apart from couple brown dots on panty liner...

but def feel like Af is coming cos cramping..usually my AF starts like that, just a bit then it comes on heavier later on, also sitting here at my desk and going dizzy now and then..i'm 9dpo. WTF??! i dont have a clue whats goin on...hope the witch still staying away from u..xx
i've gone to the loo about an hour ago and when i wiped i had some blood, not a happy girl! i'm not due for another 5 days, so couldnt believe it as i'm quite regular. i've been doing toilet trips every twenty mins since but theres nothing there apart from couple brown dots on panty liner...

but def feel like Af is coming cos cramping..usually my AF starts like that, just a bit then it comes on heavier later on, also sitting here at my desk and going dizzy now and then..i'm 9dpo. WTF??! i dont have a clue whats goin on...hope the witch still staying away from u..xx

Sounds like implantation to me.:dance:
i hope it is but dont wanna get my hopes up! i never got anymore blood only couple bits brown spotting on the tp, nothing since then that was about 2hrs ago..ho u gettin on?xx
i hope it is but dont wanna get my hopes up! i never got anymore blood only couple bits brown spotting on the tp, nothing since then that was about 2hrs ago..ho u gettin on?xx

I'm ok, just v keen for AF to arrive as today is day 29 of my cycle so am due on today really. I just want to get BD again.

Am just a bit confused as I'm sure I'm not pg but I've had AF cramps for the last 3 days (although they have gone now). Am honestly not bothered about AF coming as this was our first try but now just want to get going for the next cycle.
u might have been lucky to get it on the first month! I WILL KEEP MY FINGERS CROSSED FOR U...XX
Well guys i can safetly say we missed out this month AGAIN :( i started bleeding light pink at 2pm today and i've been bleeding ever since though it is a lot lighter than usual but i feel like it's just an AF???

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