I have to go back ...


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2006
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... to work the day after tomorrow and I need a hug... :cry: Some of you may have read other posts where I was asking about early weaning, well, with all of your help I have got Ani interested in fruit and cereal purees appropriate for her age, but she only wants a tiny bit and then turns to me for b/f. She likes food but really wants me. It breaks my heart to think on friday she is going to be with a babysitter (who knows her and adores her, at least) but she wont be able to ask mum for breast milk direct from the source, she will depend on bottles. neither of us are really ready, and although my OH is very sweet, i can see in his eyes that he doesnt really understand why am so sad and tearful. "After all, I am only going to be working three days a week for the first couple of months"
I really am sorry to moan, but need your support.

Thanks to all you girls, i cant say i feel much better, but comforted, yes. Just hope that tomorrow is ok, i just wish i could explain to poor Ani. What is she going to think when she cant see me at all throughout the day. I am worried she will scream and scream... OH is off sick, which will certainly help, but still she always settles better with me.... :cry: :cry: :cry:

Thanks to all you girls, i cant say i feel much better, but comforted, yes. Just hope that tomorrow is ok, i just wish i could explain to poor Ani. What is she going to think when she cant see me at all throughout the day. I am worried she will scream and scream... OH is off sick, which will certainly help, but still she always settles better with me.... :cry: :cry: :cry:


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