I have such a short fuse


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2007
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It's really getting to me!

I can be fine and then OH doesn't do something, or the kids play up and it puts me in a foul mood for ages.

And I'll bring up things that haven't been done, or that I'm annoyed and it'll make me more annoyed and ARGH!!!!

Please tell me this is just hormones and I wont be like this for ever!
I hope not coz tbh ive been a bit like this too :oops: :hug:
It's got to be hormones, and/or lack of sleep. I'm finding I'm getting wound up by smaller things people do, which I don't want to go into on a public forum, just in case! Normally I wouldn't even notice but these things annoy me so much.
Im exactly the same hun, I hope it is the pregnancy hormones or else Im screwed!! :lol: Im taking everything out on my son at the moment, if he is even slightly naughty or cheeky I keep losing it with him and have no patience whatsoever :shakehead: I think its just because Im so tired and uncomfortable and find it difficult to play with him at the moment as I cant get down on the floor like I used to, so of course he is getting frustrated and constantly nagging for attention and I feel like I cant give it to him :( Its either him or the dog! :wall: OH is getting away pretty lightly at the mo, cos he works nights so I dont actually see that much of him...I dont think he realises how lucky he is! :rotfl: :rotfl:
Yeah its ok i think its normal, enjoy it though its the one time men understand :lol:

I thik the last time i had a tantrum with OH I threw a boiled egg on his plate which bounced off, very funny now not at the time though...


aahh lovely hormones! I was snapping at everyone, including my dad who offered me a lift to Tesco to do some shopping once! :roll: He even paid for my shopping and I was still snapping at him while we were packing it up at the checkout! :shakehead: I was awful!

It does go away and gets replaced by crying! In my case anyway! :lol:

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