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I Have Stopped Smoking!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2009
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Just thought I would let you all know I am now officially a non smoker!!!

Have been smoking since I was about 14 am now 30!!! I have tried and failed many times to stop in the past. The last few months I have been battling with myself a lot about the ttc and smoking issue plus the fact that I was not enjoying it that much anymore.

Any way with the help of Allen Carrs Easy Way To Stop Smoking book I feel I have finally seen the light!!!! :dance:

Has anyone else used this book to give up and if so how are you doing???
i havent used the book but i am an ex smoker (over 2 years now)...just wanted to say good luck and drink plenty of water.xx
me and oh both used that book to quit erm september 07 and never smoked again
well ive had a few puffs while very drunk on nights out but it made me sick :puke:
Oooo thanks for the good wishes girls x x
I've never smoked but I know how hard it is to quit an addiction, so massive well done to you!!! :clap:
Thanks Mel :hug:

I was scared to tell anyone on the forum that I smoked in case I got lynched, but when I first came on the forum there was a post about it and someone mentioned the book so I bought it and here I am non smoker :dance: :dance:

My hubby smokes and I don't even want one of his!!! First time ever that I have stopped and felt positive about it :cheer:
Well done hun, that's a really hard thing to do, you should be very proud of yourself xx :hug:
yay for you!! I've never smoked but a good friend did (and she's a nurse - should know better!) anyway she quit and now works for the nhs stop smoking clinic up here. that's enough to keep her on the wagon!! lots of people with advanced cancer who still can't quit :(
Thanks Rose, Hubbys dad was really ill last year all smoking related yet after visiting him we would come out and smoke :think: :think: :think: Crazy or what!! He stopped by the way and is much better thank goodness

Just got to get hubby on the same wave length might be a struggle!!!
He has to be ready to do it in his own time like me, the more you tell a smoker no the more they do it!!!
yeah I know. My sister smoked and the more we encouraged her when she quit each time the more she went back to smoking. she gave up last time without telling us and so far it's worked. (been a few months)

anyway I know it's hard so good for you! maybe ask hubby if he'll smoke around the baby/you when you're pregnant. the money would be more useful for other things and it affects his spermmies too as well as the obvious lungs and throat etc. maybe say you don't want him ending up like his dad... in hospital i mean. would that make him think again about smoking?
Hi Rose, it's up to him to make the desicion to quit, he knows the risks, money, health etc etc the more I push the more he will run and smoke more so time for a bit of reverse pshycology!!!

Let him see I'm not arsey, angry, stressed, fidgety I'm actually enjoying it!! Only this morning he was like, your chirpy and I said yeah first time in ages that woke up feeling good not with a mouth like a sand pit, feeling tired, bunged up nose and just generally crap.

He will stop when he is ready and he would never smoke round me preg or a baby x x x
I used to smoke and the thing with quitting is you actually need to want to stop smoking otherwise it'll never work. I quit so many times out of some sense of guilt but went back to it every time. It wasn't until I actually wanted to stop that I managed to and 9 years later I'm still a non-smoker. It's a very hard thing to do and the more you get pressurised, the more you resent it and you end up determined to carry on out of sheer bloodymindedness!!!

Your hubby will give up when he's ready....i'm sure the imminent prospect of being a dad will knock some sense into him!
You've got it Hannah!!! He will stop one day and if he dosn't I still love him x x x x

I wish the imminent thing would hurry up!!!! :rotfl: :rotfl:
I know I have already said to you but

:clap: WELL DONE!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Thanks hun, still feeling positive!!! Have been picking on crap a bit today so will have to watch that, but it's better than putting a fag in my mouth :rotfl: :rotfl:
Well Done hun :clap: its a hard thing to do i was a smoker but when i did get bfp
I could stop straight away but went back to them when i lost each pregnancy.
I wanted to stop when ttc but the stress of losing the babies just made it more easier for me to
reach out and smoke again. I give totally give up altogether using the nicotine chews i only used
half a pack they was horrible made my throat sore and could taste the nicotine so put me off
ever smoking i have been a non smoker for about 11 mths now.

I have not read the allen carr book quit smoking but talking about him i love him he makes me laugh so much
i am reading his autobiography at the moment. :)

Congratulations you deserve a applause its not a easy thing to do :clap: :hug:
I used the Alan Carr book! 14 months later I haven't touched one, and I was a right fag ash lil :lol:

Good luck, you can do it!! :hug:

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