I Have An Urge..


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2007
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OMG I'm having the strangest feelings lately! I don't know whether this is going to sound awful but..

I desperately want to get out and go clubbing! The last time I actually went clubbing was October I think... Before I was pregnant I'd always prefer to sit in with a cuppa and a good night of TV and only to have the occasional night out. I'd probably go out once every 3 months but now I just want to dress up, make a huge effort, go out and dance the night away!

I can't stop thinking about the night I can get out and roll in until 3am after I've counted my pennies to pay the taxi driver! :lol:

I also saw a picture of myself the other day, someone tagged me in Facebook from October 2006 and I was like :shock: I looked so much slimmer!! I REALLY want to start losing weight and getting my body back.

It's like my brain isn't connected with my body and they're totally out of sync. It's as if Evie's just arrived and now I'm planning being "me" again.

I've rented out my body for 7 months and now I'm constantly thinking about my big night out! :oops:

Anyone else having an urge for when your LOs arrive?! xx
The only real urges I have been getting is to go on fair ground rides and slides and water slides and stuff. Get a bit of rough and tumble hahaa Im like a little kid I love "playing" like slides and swings that kind of stuff hehe!
I went out for the first time in MONTHS on Friday night with my OH minded Callum

It felt so weird....
Boss to get back out though
Havent got my body back completely yet though :(
yes!!!! i have totally had the PARTAY urge for the last few weeks!!

one min im totally exhausted, then im really up for getting made up, putting an outfit on and dancing th night away!!

then i remember im a whale :oops: and would probably get evils :cry:

i just wanna boogie :oops:
I get this sometimes but like last night i went out for my friends birthday who has just had her baby so her 1st proper night out in aaaages and watched everyone get WASTED and actually although I miss it i also think it makes you realise how you're not missing out on much and at least i came home, went to bed and woke up feeling good (ish!) whereas looking at the pics of them on facebook from after i left i think they are paying today!! :rotfl:

My next big night out will be either my birthday in sept or hen night in oct so i can look forward to that being good at least i just hope after i have the baby i can still fit into something to make me feel half attractive!! Its really not long though Dannii only 2 more months and at least it will make us appreciate it more when it happens!

Do you think you'll express so you can still go out and drink?? This is what I worry about as i really wanna BF but have these two nights out coming up so will have to make a decision what to do!xx
yeah i keep buying new clothes, but none of them are maternity, they are all for me to wear 'later'.

I've been feeling the same. It is very hard not to get a bit upset when I talk to my friend and they all have stories of their nights out, all I can do is listen and try hard not to get upset by it.

I would love to just go out one friday night, have a few drinks and have fun. Looking forward to having my first night out after Aimee... I am so going to get drunk on the first drink! :lol:
I can't wait for my first night out after the baby is born, which
probably sounds bad. But I really can't wait to have a drink
and wear normal clothes again! I've been out to a couple of
parties since i've been pregnant, but always end up feeling
pissed off by everyone drinking around me! xx
Nic: I'm not fussed by rollercoasters and things anyway, just a strong drink and some music lol!

Claire: You cracked me up!! I bet you're not a whale :hug: Anyway, pregnancy is cruel to our bodies :evil:

Laura: Yeah I am planning on expressing! There is no way my first night out after Evie is born will be a sober one! :lol:

Sarah: Hope you enjoyed your night out!

Sandi: I might just do that! Although, I really want to lose a lot of weight (baby weight + the weight I put on during the year before getting pregnant) so might buy a few sizes smaller and make that my aim!! Doubt I'll lose any though, I always have crazy ideas and never see them through!

JoAnn: Me too! One smirnoff will do it! :lol:

Claire: That doesn't sound bad! I'm desperate! I was listening full blast to my music in my car today and sooooo badly wanted to boogie :(

I felt like this a week ago but the urge passed (thankfully).

Went to the pub with friends last week and sat there sniffing their sambucca shots :lol: .
They all went clubbing after and I wanted to until I stood up to go with them and my body felt like it belonged to a pensioner so went home :( .

DH and I have already said we are going to get SIL to bay sit when we feel ready to leave her for an amount of time and go clubbing. We haven't been out properly since Magalluf in June 2007 :shock: but that was 9 days of clubs so shouldn't really moan.
Aww I always want to go out dancing! :(
I still go out to the pub and sing on the karaoke etc and it is funny being totaly sober and watching and listening to them being drunk but when they go on to the clubs, and Im just to tired or achey :( I get a little sad! i dont even want to drink but just be able to stay up and out past midnight lmao!
I totally have a desprate need to get back into shape and be 'me' again, it takes everything i have not to let it get me down, and to make matters worse, this morning i think i found what might be the start of a streach mark on my lower stomach :cry:
9 months is a long time to sacrifice. :hug:

you now have 2 months to plan a fab night out :hug:

enjoy it.
dannii87 said:
JoAnn: Me too! One smirnoff will do it! :lol:

I reckon just a sniff of smirnoff will have me hammered! I was a light drinker before I got pregnant, I'll be like an alcohol virgin again! :puke: As long as I don't clean up the mess... i've had enough of cleaning up my morning sickness, which I actually did this morning.... TWICE! :think:

Us ladies deserve a good old knees up after we've had our LO's. If men can 'wet the babies head' so can us women! :cheer:
Me and my sister in law who is due the same time as me have alrady planned to go out once the babies are here. Probably after christmas so we can lose baby weight and then go out for a big one. Mind you it won't be a long night I think a sniff off bacardi and I'll be drunk!!
Wierd urges; mine is I always want to do a handstand!!! Dont know why, I didnt do them before I got pregnant let alone now!!!!

how weird, i am desperate to get dressed up and get drunk and go out too!!! no fair!!

well i look at it this way, ill have a baby soon and ill be able to go out! not many of my friends can say they have a beautiful baby to come home to! :cheer:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I'm still waiting for my big night out since getting pregnant with Isaac :lol: I'm planning on getting drunk in March 2009 when I expect to stop BF'ing Wriggly, but we'll see, sometimes what you want and what you need are different, you'll be all in sync again once LO arrives Dannii, enjoy the urge, you're doing great abstaining, its a long haul especially when its something you used to enjoy :hug: :hug: :hug:
Ive probably gone out more since I got pregnant then we did before hand we have agreed if either of us wants to go out we will just go and make the most of still being able too! I don't drink obviously but just going out and socialising is nice although I do feel abit out of place now in my maternity clothes :lol: some nights I'm too knackered and don't last as long as id like to but mostly its good and I enjoy watching everyone else get drunk and making fools of themselves :rotfl:

I think its really important to have time without baby to be yourself again after baby has come and we're really lucky MIL has already offered to babysit anytime we want to go out and over night if we want which is really nice of her but wont have much free money to make the most of it by then! :roll:
dannii87 said:
OMG I'm having the strangest feelings lately! I don't know whether this is going to sound awful but..

I desperately want to get out and go clubbing! The last time I actually went clubbing was October I think... Before I was pregnant I'd always prefer to sit in with a cuppa and a good night of TV and only to have the occasional night out. I'd probably go out once every 3 months but now I just want to dress up, make a huge effort, go out and dance the night away!

I can't stop thinking about the night I can get out and roll in until 3am after I've counted my pennies to pay the taxi driver! :lol:

I also saw a picture of myself the other day, someone tagged me in Facebook from October 2006 and I was like :shock: I looked so much slimmer!! I REALLY want to start losing weight and getting my body back.

It's like my brain isn't connected with my body and they're totally out of sync. It's as if Evie's just arrived and now I'm planning being "me" again.

I've rented out my body for 7 months and now I'm constantly thinking about my big night out! :oops:

Anyone else having an urge for when your LOs arrive?! xx

I feel like i could have wrote this myself....
I was only saying to Lee lastweek that i feel like i'm not me anymore and i was talking about what diet i need to go on to loose all the weight ready for when i go out with the girls again.........lmao, he was like hang on a min arnt you forgetting baby has to come out yet.

I know that after he is here i wont be going out till my figure is back to what it was though and one i am out i'll be desperate to come back home to my boys......
I am looking foward to going out with baby and babies daddy as due to circumstances we are not living together at present (which I am hating).
Once the house is ready we can be a proper family.

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