I hate this TTC#3 period is 22 days late Bfn so far! HATE THIS WAITING GAME 
I have the following symptoms:
Had a bad pain on my right side a few weeks ago
Extreme tiredness
Change in appetite (always hungry)
Weeing constantly
Sore veiny boobs with prominent raised bumps on nipples
Very emotional over nothing
Moods up and down
to name a few......
I have spoken to my doctor and we are going to do a blood test in two weeks time if I still have not come on. I 'feel pregnant' anyone else that got lots of bfn until there bfp, I have low hormoan levels so me and hubby are hoping its going to be a bfp on blood test the no period is an excellent sign also we have been using ovulation test which we used so that egg must have been fertilised right?? am i going mad lol xx
Many thanks for your time and I look forward to hearing what you think.
Kasey xx

I have the following symptoms:
Had a bad pain on my right side a few weeks ago
Extreme tiredness
Change in appetite (always hungry)
Weeing constantly
Sore veiny boobs with prominent raised bumps on nipples
Very emotional over nothing
Moods up and down
to name a few......
I have spoken to my doctor and we are going to do a blood test in two weeks time if I still have not come on. I 'feel pregnant' anyone else that got lots of bfn until there bfp, I have low hormoan levels so me and hubby are hoping its going to be a bfp on blood test the no period is an excellent sign also we have been using ovulation test which we used so that egg must have been fertilised right?? am i going mad lol xx
Many thanks for your time and I look forward to hearing what you think.
Kasey xx
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