its a lovely trap isnt it!!! i was made redundant when on mat leave . . . dont really want to put LO in nursery just yet so i'm not working, OH works full time (hes on £11.500 before tax) BUT because we have FIL living with us (he has a brain injury but works) we get sweet-f-a . . .
a girl my OH worked with (hes sons 6 weeks younger than ours) gets her rent and council tax paid, and income support, and child benefit and something else (cant remember) she went back to work for a week, told the relative people and got told all of them would stop (more likely be suspended until re-evaluated) so she gave up work so she wouldn't lose anything :/
i'm now considering night work...but LO still wakes at night and OH doesn't cope well with broken sleep so not sure what to do!!! best of luck xxx