i had a dream about hamster-bees!


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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mornin' y'all i shall be on later i cant stay now i gotta go shower while millie is napping and then wake her and go to a physio app (gotta find the place first too) but i just had to do this before i forgot!

boyf and i were having a pool party (we had a nicer house than what we got IRL it had a pool and staff and things- idk where we got our money from hehe) and lots of merriment and sexy guests. then the police came, in a helicopter and landed it in our pool :lol: and my friend got out (i hav a friend whose a police officer) and she was saying "ooh look, they give us guns now" and was showing me her revolver! then they left and we got out of the pool and this guy brought us a gift- some bee-hamsters!

well, really they were just syrian hamsters but their fur had been dyed bright yellow and black stripes, and their tails were black like "stings"! :lol:

i LOVED my present i thought it was fab :lol:
I dont quite know what to say to that :think:

Mmmm, yep. Nuts. And stop eating cheese before bedtime. :rotfl:
I knew this would be trixi before I even looked.
sounds like either a trixi or a babyblond post lol, i would love to have your imagination :rotfl: :rotfl:
Now I want to paint a hamster to look like a bee!!!!! :lol:
Have you been playing The Sims? :think:

no, why does it have hamster-bees in it? thats soooooooooo freaky!
They sell hamster-bees (and moomins :rotfl: !) in Pets @ Home at my bit. Will I get you one?

Kim x x x x
I definatly was a moomin!! How cool would that be?

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: At the revolver, like its such a casual thing to do. :rotfl:
trixipaws said:
no, why does it have hamster-bees in it? thats soooooooooo freaky!

No it was more the pool party and helicopter that reminded me of The Sims :lol:

I want one!

ETA: Here ya go Trix!!! :rotfl:

poochielove said:

I want one!

ETA: Here ya go Trix!!! :rotfl:


lol awww

T'is cheating though, I want to see a bee dressed as a hamster, that would be impressive :clap:
i love mad dreams! DH talks in his sleep and a couple of years ago shouted out 'tie the rabbits down its getting windy' then 'big fucking lettuce' sadly he never remembers his dream.

I've been having a series of erotic dreams about alan tirchmarsh wtf!!

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