I got my House after over a year of waiting


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2006
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I had my name down when i was not very far pregnant about 6 weeks with Jodie for a Local housing assosiation property. A lot of you allready know.I live in a flat up 3 flights of stairs and i moaned and moaned untill they finally gave me a property. Woohoo. I move in on tuesday to my new rented 3 bed house with a little Garden for my washing and little jodie to play in. Soooooo happy thought id share it with you as i moaned so much. xxxxxxxxx p
bossbump, im in the same situation as you were. My OH and i currently live in a 1 bedroom multi-story flat, and so will obviously be overcrowded when a baby comes along. I have my name down for 5 housing assoc's and the local council. All the housing assoc's have either said i can't get moved until i've had the baby or i have to prove im pregnant with a MAT B1 form (which i cant get till im 20 weeks).
I find it ridiculios that people expect a pregnant woman to move either in the latest stages of pregnancy or when they have just had a newborn baby. So my OH and I have laid it on thick about stress and anti-social behaviour with our area MP and she said she is going to speed things along :cheer: . Just sitting back and accepting things never gets you anywhere with people like that.
Im so glad to hear that im going in the right direction by moaning. Sorry about the rant.
Good Luck in you new home :D
i am in a similar situ. i have a tiny two bed house and there are five of us living in it. we havent even got room for a table and chairs. but we have been told there is about a 7 year wait for a 3 bed property. the only way for us is a mutual exchange so fingers crossed there.
I know how you feel ladies!!!

We have had to move back to my mums, we have been evicted from our 2 bed house because our landlady is selling it and we cannot afford to privately rent again (we got our last house for 525 per month when most of the 2 beds around here are approx 600 per month which we can no way afford.)

Even though im pregnant and technically homeless (as we are only staying with mum) we STILL are not classed as high priority!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It makes me so cross, we have no option but to stay at mums now until the council house us, but god knows when that will be ffs! Il probably end up having my baby here :cry:

Im pleased you finally got somewhere Bossbump. After a year of waiting you deserve it so much!!!!

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