I got a bad feeling


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2010
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That somethin is wrong :-( u have felt him today but not much, I checked hb with Doppler and it was fine but I just have a bad feeling! I rang mw and she literally shouted at me said I was bein stupid and irrational I wanna cry!

Hun you're the same as me...you have an anterior placenta right?? He could have shifted...or like I put mine down to the fact that he is just really lazy lol

Try not to worry, Im sure he will give you a boot soon to reassure you xx
Thanks Hun!!! I probably am being irrational but so upset with how midwife spoke to me! I would rather die than lose my little boy.

im sure it will be fine hun, but i know about the worry. u heard him on the doppler so im sure its all good! cant believe midwife shouted at u! x
You need to try and stop worrying. If you've heard the heart beat and felt some movement he'll be fine. You shouldn't monitor movement until 28 weeks as until then they can still move around a lot. Stress and worry isn't good for you or baby. X
Thanks roo! I just am so jot enjoying pregnancy I spend majority of time worried out of my brain :-(

I hate my mw princess she is nasty! I rang my aunt and se is gonna come over she used to be a mw!

He just kicked me! Yey glad aunt is coming tho she is so kind wish she was my mw!

sounds like u would be better off with ur aunt as midwife hun, bit more reasuring! x
At least u have someone u can call if u need to!

I'm gonna go to bed shortly cos I feel crappy :( been dizzy and had a headache all day so feelin miserable but I'm gonna listen to Pip's heartbeat and cheer myself up!
You need to not stress hun... at your stage in pg babies sleep for 12-14 hours a day. So he is probably napping today!
Larly pips hb will def cheer u up!
Jomc yeh he woke up after Bristol city scored and I jumped out my seat hee hee

I had a day like that last week - its really not good. If you've heard hb then he must be fine. sucks about ur MW though - what a bitch.
Auntie says feels like he is all curled up on the right side she said he may have his feet etc facing towards my back he he naughty boy

Ive hardly felt LO at normal times the last few days. Instead of having me and him kick time just before I go to bed he's started annoying me at work! I still find it amazing that I have a little person kicking inside me so I end up stopping working to have a feel lol!
I also felt him at 4am not so long a go! I think hes moving more when I'm asleep
Yeah they r naughty!! :) felt him already since u woke up today

Glad ur feeling better. What a cow that MW is, everything u read says if u feel something isnt right speak to your MW, thats what shes there for!
U would think dollie! At my 16 week appt she didn't do anything didn't check blood pressure, urine, baby's heartbeat just shouted my blood test results at me and that was it!


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