I finally succumbed to the dummy!


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2008
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I didn't want Niamh to have a dummy, mainly because I still had one when I was 5 (seriously!! :oops: :oops: ) and I still remember the heartache of giving it up (it was like giving up smoking :lol: ). But she has been using the boob as one instead :roll: so this evening I had finally had enough :wall: . After grizzling on and off booby for nearly two hours I was sore!! I stuck the dummy in and after a few seconds of scrunching her face she took it, had a suck for 30 secs and was out like a light! Magic! I whipped it out when her mouth went slack a few seconds later and she stayed asleep. :cheer:
So, how do I make sure she doesn't become a slave to it, like her mother clearly did! :? :?
It can be hard to resist the dummy! To be honest a lot of babies need to suckle to soothe themselves so i am not opposed to them at all.

with my eldest i had him off his dummy at 8 months but my middle still has hers and is very attached :oops: shes 21 months and i can just sense the struggle ahead however im not phased by it at all - shes going to give in sooner or later :lol:

if you dont want to get to that stage id suggest maybe using the dummy only at bedtime/naptime??? dont get it out during the day at all that way Niamh cant have it :D

Out of sight out of mind at that age!

i cant really think of anything else to suggest to keep dummy time to a minimum.
Aw she will be fine, just take it off her a bit earlier than 5 :lol: after a few nights she wont even miss it
I sucked my thumb until I was 10 so that's way worse than your habit!
I do think it is harder to get your baby to give up thumb sucking because you can't take it away. If she was really keen on sucking to soothe herself soon she would be sucking her fingers or thumb. My thumb was misshapen from sucking it and I needed braces because of my teeth. I've chatted with friends about this and one of them still has a funny shaped thumb after all this time. So we made the decision to give her a dummy if she wanted to suck and I am very happy with that. Sometimes I consider stopping but then she sucks on other things including her hands and I'd rather she had a habit I could help her break rather than one she has to break on her own. She only gets it when she is tired and once she can toddle I will restrict it to in her cot.
The older they are the harder it is!
Giving up your dummy at 5 must have been horrid! Poor you lol!
I try and aim for around 12 months, no later than 18! Thats me personally though!
I used to think dummies were bad and felt like a bad mother for using them, but realised it WAS a comfort to Hayden especially at the moment as his skin is so sore for him so if he's happy thats all tht matters!

I find now he barely has it in the daytime unless he's napping or very grisley due to his skin.

I had mine til i was two lol!!

x :hug:
Becky gave hers up around 5 months I think it was, she just started not needing it and I didn't give her it and haven't looked back. My nephew had one for sleeps up until he was almost 3. He was biting through them and sis in law told him she wasn't buying any more if he bit through that one. He did and she didn't. They had a ceremonial dumping of the dummy in the bin - helped that he was going through a phase of wanting to be a bin man :rotfl: He never asked for one again.
This might be ' :shakehead:''d by a few, but my mum said to me when I was about 3 that 'only babies have dummies, and she thought I was a big girl'. I soon binned it!

If a doody makes your life easier and LO happy then it's all good, right? :cheer:
Sephs said:
This might be ' :shakehead:''d by a few, but my mum said to me when I was about 3 that 'only babies have dummies, and she thought I was a big girl'. I soon binned it!

If a doody makes your life easier and LO happy then it's all good, right? :cheer:

"doody" awwww I calls it a "dodo" like the extinct bird, but then I did when I was little....

My mum told me the bin men took mine...so I shouted at them when they came round... little madam I was :roll:
I have read here (from sherlock) that as long as you get rid of them before 5 months they have no memory of having them and therefore won't miss them.

We still use one for sleeps, but never at any other time. I don't have a problem with this and am happy for her to continue to have one for a while longer. When it comes to it I am planning to do the dummy fairy thing, where we put them outside, the fairies take them and leave a big girl present.

My mum told me the birdies took mine and I stood at the window asking them to bring it back!
ninjawomble said:
Sephs said:
This might be ' :shakehead:''d by a few, but my mum said to me when I was about 3 that 'only babies have dummies, and she thought I was a big girl'. I soon binned it!

If a doody makes your life easier and LO happy then it's all good, right? :cheer:

"doody" awwww I calls it a "dodo" like the extinct bird, but then I did when I was little....

My mum told me the bin men took mine...so I shouted at them when they came round... little madam I was :roll:

We call ours dodo, dody, dum dum, didi haha it has all kinds of names! lol
I gave Ollie a dummy for the same reason as you (to save those nips from torture!) I wish i had done it sooner. He still has his dummy but is spitting it out alot more now and insists on sucking his hands. I can here him on my monitor as im typing this! I had a dummy til i was about 3 but will definately be taking Ollies away prior to that!

Claire x
lea m said:
ninjawomble said:
Sephs said:
This might be ' :shakehead:''d by a few, but my mum said to me when I was about 3 that 'only babies have dummies, and she thought I was a big girl'. I soon binned it!

If a doody makes your life easier and LO happy then it's all good, right? :cheer:

"doody" awwww I calls it a "dodo" like the extinct bird, but then I did when I was little....

My mum told me the bin men took mine...so I shouted at them when they came round... little madam I was :roll:

We call ours dodo, dody, dum dum, didi haha it has all kinds of names! lol

hahaha, we call ours diddi's too.. and ditto to what sephs said, i had my diddy til i was about 3 1/2 and my mum also did the reverse pyscology thing with me and i gave it up on my own.. My lil one has a diddi still (she is 16 months old in a few days) and tbh i have no intention what soever to take it away from her any time soon... she rarely has it in the day anyway unless shes tired or upset and has it for bed every night and cant sleep with out it. She can have it for as long as she feels she needs it..... after all you dont see kids going into secondary school sucking on a diddi do u?????????
It's so nice to hear other people's stories like this! My daughter is 3 weeks old tomorrow and I've been against her having a dummy....until today! My parents have been staying with us (they left yesterday) and my husband has finally gone back to work so the house is much quieter than usual and as a result Isla is really unsettled. As a result she has also been using me as a dummy while breastfeeding so in desperation (and pain!) I gave her the dummy they tried to give her in hospital when she was first born and finally I have peace and Isla is sleeping!

As for taking it off of her again....well, we'll have to cross that bridge when we come to it I think!!!

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