i feel well ropey today....


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
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i feel really rough today. Nothing i can put my finger on, i just feel crappy :( Ive got zero energy (even though i slept until 1pm) no appetite, im really sweaty and a bit faint and dizzy... Ive had enough of this preggers lark now! Ive got the MW on Monday so i might ask her why i feel so rubbish. Hopefully i'll feel ok tomorrow. OH reckons ive been doing too much nesting and its just my bodies way of telling me to rest. I dunno, just feel like crap :roll:
I hope you haven't got this dreaded cold bug that some of us have :(

It's knocked me out for four days now :(
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
get some well earned rest
ive just woke up from an early afternoon nap myself
i felt very very tired earlier and needed to recharge my batteries
we pregant ladies need our extra R&R as we are making energy sapping babies

hope you feel better soon hunny :hug: :hug:

sarah :hug: :wave:
I think your husband might be right :shock:

Make sure you get enough time to rest; you sound exhausted. Also your BP may be low as your symptoms sound like mine when I get low BP. Just do what you can (nesting etc) when you can and if you can't, lie down, have a kip and let your supportive OH help you :hug:
:hug: :hug:

Hope you feel better soon thats exactly how I felt yesterday, feel a little better today though.

Put your feet up :hug: :hug:
i have had this dreaded cold and feel awful still, sweaty like you said, it isn't nice, i had a cry about it this morning, so fed up.
I'm also getting bad cramping which isn't nice
not long honey
You should be resting, not nesting!! :cheer: :cheer: (I made a rhyme! Yey!)

Seriously, take things a bit slower and take care of yourself :hug:
sorry you're feeling crappy hun :hug: :hug: :hug:

really hope you feel beter soon xxx
:hug: :hug: :hug:

cheers everyone!! I had some food and i feel a little bit better now :D Its just doing my head in a bit now...always feeling tired and achy...im feeling sorry for myself today, lol.

debecca said:
I think your husband might be right :shock:

Make sure you get enough time to rest; you sound exhausted. Also your BP may be low as your symptoms sound like mine when I get low BP. Just do what you can (nesting etc) when you can and if you can't, lie down, have a kip and let your supportive OH help you :hug:

I think my BP might be a tad low :? Its always slightly lower than average, but my MW is never concerned, so maybe its dropped a bit since last time i saw her :think: I'll just go and stick my feet up and have plenty of water :)
sazzylou said:
cheers everyone!! I had some food and i feel a little bit better now :D Its just doing my head in a bit now...always feeling tired and achy...im feeling sorry for myself today, lol.

It's allowed :)

I just thought, are you going to Frimley too? We might "bump" into each other hehe :)
:hug: i have days like that when no energy. i agree its ur body wanting to rest.

Hope u feel better soon.
marie x

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