I feel so lost... :-(

Mummy Rich

Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2008
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How useless am I?!?!

I literally feel so lost. I was so excited and happy and I still am..

But now we've told our parents and my grandad they point out things I'm doing wrong...

I am lifting my 17 month old niece wrong,
You drive too fast Jemma...
You can't eat soft cheese Jemma...
You're not supposed to eat Mayonnaise Jemma....'

I dunno what am meant to not be doing or not meant to be eating!
I have not a clue. I am in tears writing this but I feel so sad...

What kind of a mother am I going to be if I can't even look after my baby while it's growing inside me?!!?

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
awww hun :hug:

you can eat shop bought Mayo hun just not home made or fresh stuff soft cheeses are out because of bacteria
Oh hun please dont be upset and just ignore your "miserable" family and their nasty comments - hardly constructive or necessary!!

Im sure you are doing just fine.....and if it makes you feel any better

Eating mayonnaise is absolutely fine :D
It depends what soft cheeses you are eating - Brie, camembert etc and unpasturised cheeses are not great, but feta, cottage cheese, cream cheese etc are all fine!

There is so much information of the web........and you will be an expert in no time but it takes time and lets face it we are all constantly learning about our pregnant bodies and what is, and isnt good for us!

Cheer up hun and dont let them get you down :hug:
You're not doing anything wrong!!! Other people say silly things sometimes that hurt us because our hormones have us fine tuned to hear criticism!

There's not wrong way to pick up a kid - i'm sure you're not doing that wrong.
And bought mayo is fine.
You can eat some safe soft cheeses (philedelphia, Boursin etc) just not goats, blue or runny cheeses (check on the NHS pages for good info)

It's probably just your families way of showing they care, by being protective. Ignore their words - and please don't cry. Now that WILL be the hormones!! (i cry on a daily basis. Thank GOD the Olympics are over - they had me blubbing on an hourly basis)
Ah, don't be upset!!!! You are not doing anything wrong, people always have something to say!!!!!! Have a look on the net at food to avoid and it will let you know, mayo is OK unless its homemade, so just check on sandwiches etc and it should say made with paterurised egg which is fine.

I am sure you weren't lifting your neice wrongly, they sound like they are being protective.

I had people saying to me, you must drive slower now, you must do this and you must do that, I am sure people think that cos your pregnant you sort of become like public property - I have said its my body and I will do the best I can.

Just think of all those woman out there who drink and smoke during pregnancy!!!!
Do what you feel best hun, go in to your doctors grab a few leaflets and have a read, its a really scary time being pg and your dont need the hastle of ppl trying to get at you. You can always ask us girlies on here for advice or have a nosey on the internet. :hug:
Dont worry :D
KateQPR said:
Ignore their words - and please don't cry. Now that WILL be the hormones!! (i cry on a daily basis. Thank GOD the Olympics are over - they had me blubbing on an hourly basis)

Now that made me smile!!! :lol:

Thanks girls!

I dunno what I'd do without this site at the moment! Just tryna get my head around everything before the start of term next week... I'm a primary school teacher.

Again.. thank you

Love Mummy Rich xxxx
Awww hun, don't worry you are not going to be a bad Mother just because you don't know every little thing about pregnancy. I had to ask and find out the answers to similar questions when I first found out I was pregnant.

Heres a link that I hope will help you with what not to eat. http://www.nhsdirect.nhs.uk/articles/ar ... icleid=917

I have noticed myself that since finding out I was pregnant everyone around me seems to have become 'experts' and seem to know better. :roll: Unfortunately our hormones don't help us to when we seem to be picked up on every little thing.

This forum is a fantastic resource to find out things we don't immediately know the answers to so don't ever be afraid to ask.

I would also recommend buying a good pregnancy book.

:hug: :hug: :hug:
My OH has just bought me one as we speak ha!


Thank you Charmed x
Your hormones are all over the place at the minute so your bound to be feeling a bit more fragile than usual,

I got upset to today because when my toast popped up it scared me lol :rotfl:

Dont worry about the comments just let it go over your head, im sure you will be a fantastic mummy

Ach families can be so insensitive and unsupportive at times - but don't let them upset you, hard as it may be with all those hormones flying around you!!

Tell me someone who knows everything about pregnancy first time round, cos I sure as shit don't and this will be my second!!
Thats the only problem with telling people isnt it- all the "experts" going on and on and on
I was ready to punch my friend (and mother of 2) on sat after we told her and she was seriously going on about what i must do, what i musnt do etc etc
of course rather than punching her i smiled sweetly and "took in" her advice!
it does get a little waring tho doesnt it :doh:
Aw please don't get upset hun :hug:

Take no notice because you are doing nothing wrong!
Being a mum is hard work - the hardest job you will ever have in your life, don't let your family make you feel incapable you are doing just fine hun, there is no such thing as a perfect parent, as long as you and your LO are happy thats the most important thing, let what other people say go over your head and try to remember that when we are hormonal we can take comments made by family and friends to heart more than normal, i know i do at times and i only cause myself heartache!
You will make a fab mummy xxx
What ever you say or do when your pregnant, people think they can comment! One person says you can't eat that, then some one says you can't eat this... One person says your bumps too big then someone say's your bumps too small!! one person say's don't have the drugs, someone else say's get all you can..... its never ending!! and if I got a pound for every horendus birth story I heard, in my 1st pregnancy, I would be typing this on my yacht!!
For some reason people think its ok when your pregnant!!

The second you hold your tiny baby in your arms for the first time, trust me everything will fall in to place.
But be warned once the baby is born, some people still don't stop with there stupid comments :rotfl:
awwww darling just wanted to give you a hug :hug: :hug: its hard cause we all have so much to take in and learn, even with girls here that have had kids every pregnancy is different which means they will also have questions to ask from time to time.... try not to worry, relax and enjoy it :hug: :hug:
LittleLambe said:
But be warned once the baby is born, some people still don't stop with there stupid comments :rotfl:

I actually did mistakenly say out loud in mothercare to my OH 'Dan' (whilst referring to a rocking moses basket)

'What happens if you kick it too hard and the baby falls out?'

To which a horrified assistant tutted at me... as if I would.

Feeling much better now and decided to smile at comments and nod politely.. guess theyre only tryna help.

I can't wait to feel really pregnant. This week has turned my life around but so much for the better! xxxx

Thank you again girls..

love and hugs xxxx
Mummy Rich said:
LittleLambe said:
But be warned once the baby is born, some people still don't stop with there stupid comments :rotfl:

I actually did mistakenly say out loud in mothercare to my OH 'Dan' (whilst referring to a rocking moses basket)

'What happens if you kick it too hard and the baby falls out?'

To which a horrified assistant tutted at me... as if I would.
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: thats the kind of thing i do :lol: :lol:

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