I feel like i know you all and now its time to introduce me!

DJ Mom

Well-Known Member
May 29, 2008
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Hi Everyone,

I have been reading your posts for the last 7 weeks and i now feel like i should say hi!

My name is Clare and i am 11 weeks pregnant with my third child (2 boys already).

I was kinda scared to join before now but have been reading all of your posts with interest, well now i am over 11 weeks i feel i can join you, all i have to do is work out how to get myself one of those gorgeous tickers!!

So hi to you all and look forward to chatting over the next eternity!!

xxxx :cheer:
Hi and welcome. If you go to baby-gaga.com you can get a ticker there.

I think there are instructions in the technical support section on how to post it.

Any problems just ask and we will muddle through together
hey clare,

aw glad you finally decided to join us!! congratulations on your BFP! I take it you have your 12 week scan very soon... when is it? you can get tickers from a number of websites:

http://www.lilypie.com and http://www.baby-gaga.com seem to be the most popular!

we're all very lovely and friendly, and will answer any questions you have (or try to)! xx
Hi Clare

Nice to meet you and welcome :cheer:

Are you hoping for a girl this time round or are you after another cheeky chappie? :D
Hi :wave: welcome to the forum. We must be at a similar stage... How old are your boys?

If you click on my ticker it'll take you to the site & you can get a ticker with all your kids listed.

I look forward to getting to know you better :hug:
Im still trying to work out how to get a ticker as well, iv been trying to do so for weeks i never was great at IT.

Anyway Congratulations, and Welcome to 1st tri.
Hope to hear a lot more fom you now you've introduced yourself :)
:dance: so cool to hear from you all and your lovely comments :hug:

Hi to
Chickadee1976 - i hope i now have a ticker :think:
Christina - :)
Sally12 - yes would love a girl! but a football team won't hurt...
maybebaby - my boys are 7 and 9, phew... bit of a gap see below for scan date...
choklatemunky - :)
beth88 - :)
keelie-b - :)
karly1824 - :)
talulah73 - :)
sarah113 - :)
*sara* - :)

My Due date is 16 December and my scan date in 9 June, had a scan last week after some bleeding and everything is fine.

Love to you all and really looking forward to getting to know all you lovely ladies :wave:
*Sneaks over from Tri 2* Hi DJ Mom, welcome and congrats! :hug: x

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