I feel ill


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2009
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I had the worst nights sleep ever last night, i just couldn't get comfy. I threw up this morning and as my OH so kindly pointed out......i looked like shite lol Well i battled on and dropped the kids off and went to work. I went to the loo for a pee at work and when i wiped there was pink discharge with streaks of blood (sorry TMI) well i didin't think much of it because i used a pessary last night for my thrush and i assumed i had maybe scratched myself inside.

But, as the day has gone on i have got period type cramps low down and i am getting very strong Braxton hicks. I rang labour ward and she said if they haven't stopped by 9pm i have to ring back. I really hope they stop coz i feel ill and i really don't fancy trapesing up the hospital. Plus i got OH to shave my moofy, completely bald last night (thought it might help get rid of the thrush) and i will be so embarrased if the
MW needs to look 'down there' :oops:

Keep your fingers crossed for me girls, i don't want little Lucas even thinking of arriving just yet xx
ToonLass dont hesistate to go if they dont stop, they could give you something to stop the labour if thats what it is. Ill be thinking of you tonight, let us know how you go if you feel up to it. Hope you start to feel better real soon xx
Oh hun big hugs :hug: I hope everything is ok, and LO stays put for awhile yet! It may just be connected to the thrush and easily treatable.

Do you want my mobile number just in case you need someone later?
Yeah please, just so i can update you guys if anything happens xx
thank you. I'm going in the bath now coz i am so uncomfortable xx
Hope you are feeling better hun.
I agree with Rosie's mummy, don't hesitate to go to the hospital if it persists or gets worse.
:hug: keep us updated. x
Oh hunny :( :hug:

Try not to worry too much but I think it would do no harm to get checked over anyway. If the worst were to happen and you were in early labour (and I'm not saying you are at all) it would be better the dr's knew sooner rather than later as there are things you can get to stop it and steroids can be given for bubs' lungs.

In saying that after I used a pessary with my wee man (I was 14 weeks) I had a massive bleed the next day but the hospital didn't think it was related to the pessary.

Go get checked out hun :hug:

Do you want my number as well?
oh god, started throwing up really bad, i think this is a tummy bug!! xx
Well I would go and get checked out as it might be something else making you vomit. Please go xx
Oh you poor thing, I do hope you and bubby are ok! Sending you so much love.

even if its a tummy bug, best to get checked out. :hug:
The MW said it sounds like a tummy bug and the cramps i have been feeling will be down to the bug. She said to make sure i drink plenty of water and if i am still poorly by lunch time tomorrow to call back xx

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