I feel bitter


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2007
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David (Coopers dad) has not seen Cooper for 3 wks. He's learnt so much in them..he's even now rolling on his tummy :D I felt like texting David before saying ' Hope whatever your doing now is more important than seeing your son!' But i didn't. The last time i saw David i told him i needed help.. i tried to set up a routine when David sees Coop the same time each wk so to give me some me time David hates routine and also anyone having any control over him!.. I haven't seen heard from him since! (i may have shut the door in his face whilst saying he's not seeing his son but still!!)
Aww hun i hope your feeling a bit better now :hug: That must break your heart but Cooper has got an amazing mum, so dont feel too bad about your ex's behaviour - its his BIG loss :).. Although i know it still hurts wondering how on earth anyone could miss these special moments in your baby's life :hug: :hug: xx
As long as Cooper's got you he will be fine. As for your ex... it is him missing out through choices he has made.... dont feel bad. He will regret it :hug:
I think you are doing great by your self. Why do you even worry about what HE is missing? It is his loss at the end. Having children gets on top of the best of us with or without the babies father. Do you need financial help from him? If so get that sorted, that might kick him into gear. If not. Just make sure Cooper has a good male role model like a grand dad or uncle. I don't see it effect him, may do more harm, if his dad is alway abandoning him.
Stupid t*** is missing out on sooo much dumb ass
Your doing a great job enjoy feel proud of yourself hunnie and of your son and seeing him grow strong happy and helth and know its all due to you

Its your think ex's loss for not wanting to be there you son is ecieving all the love and care he needs from you
hi father needs to grow up :shakehead:
Cooper deserves a Dad who will be there for him not a flake who flits in and out when he pleases
to be honest if he cant be there for him if he stays away cooper will not have to put up with him coming and going

though i truly hope your ex wakes up relies hes missing out on his beautiful son and wants to become more involved :pray:

but if not you just carry on ebing the great Mum you are and Cooper will be happy

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