I feel bad


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2011
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Boy was not settling at all tonight. Did everything. Change him, fed him (attached for over an hour but kept letting go), winded him, cuddled him, rocked him, put him in his chair...everything. When he was latched on he kept drifting off but then waking up again. Think he is just over tired so swaddled him and put him in his bed and left him too it. Wide awake but not crying. Don't know what else to do. I know igot to get into a routine of putting him to bed before we go to bed but just feel so bad. Please tell me imjust being silly. :-( x
Aw hun I know how you feel, when Angel gets overtired hardly anything comforts her and I feel useless and terrible too :( you're not doing anything wrong hun all babies get like this sometimes. Sorry I havent said anything more helpful but please dont feel bad xx.
It actually makes me teary. Not in a depressed way. More sad that he gets so upset and unsettled. He is in his cot now and not crying but I know he is wide awake.xx
Oh hun bless ya. We all have days like this. If he isn't crying then some time in his bed chillin won't hurt ! Babies have good days and bad days just like us ! Rhea hasn't let me out of her sight today ! And wouldn't go to anyone other than my mum for 15 mins. Sure tomorrow will b a better day Hun. Lo is only couple of weeks old so don't stress about a routine u guys will naturally fall into one xxxx

He'll be fine :) xxx

I feel guilty though when Sophie is in her crib upstairs asleep and me and OH are downstairs. Feels like shes missing out on stuff and not being included (even though we are just watching tv lol!)
Thank you everyone. It's the first time I've put him to bed with out going to bed at same time so feels wierd anyway.xx
The first night i did it with sophie i felt i had to keep going and checking on her constantly lol
I can understand you feeling that way. I still haven't done it yet. xx
I checked 5 mins after my last post and he was fast asleep. Woke at 2 for a feed then went straight to sleep. I feel better now. :) x

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