i dropped my baby i feel awful :(


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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this morning after i'd fed and changed her she'd settled and was sleepy. my boyf said he'd take her so i could hav a shower n stuff and to bring her into his games room in her moses basket while he played on his computer. i put her in it and picked it off the stand by the handles, i dont kno what happened but i lost my grip and it fell on the floor with her in it. it was only about 15cm off the floor or something but when it landed it tipped to one side and she rolled out onto the floor. :(
she cried a little but stopped when i picked her up and cuddled her. if i'd hurt her would she hav kept crying and would it hav been a loud screamy cry? (it wasnt so i'm hoping it just startled her)
i felt sick, imagine if it had happened on the stairs or downstairs where theres no carpet :cry: i feel like such a terrible mother :(
TRy not to feel bad hun! I know its an awful feeling but I think it happens to most of us at some point. Between my 3 babies I must of had at least 10 accidents :doh: :hug: :hug:
Oh you are not a bad Mummy!!!!!! The most important thing to remember is that it was an accident and could happen to any one of us! I am sure she is fine, it is actually good that she cried I think it would be worse if there wasn't tears!! And you are right, if she was really hurt she would have screamed.

I acciently caught Teej on the leg with my nail and it bled a little bit I felt dreadful but these things happen, my mum tipped my sister and I out the pram on a snowy day!!! We've all done stuff that we think makes us horrible but it just means we are human :hug: :hug:
awww don't beat yourself up about it, I'm sure you feel worse than she does :hug: :hug:
Try not to worry, she must be ok or you'd know. I totally understand how you feel though. I banged Jude's head on the bathroom floor when I was putting him on a pillow so I could go for a wee!! :roll: He cried but was ok. I felt terrible though, really frightened me. Sure more of that will happen along the line :?

Awwwww hun :hug: :hug: :hug: Please don't be hard on yourself, I'm sure Millie has forgotten about it already, and if she was hurt you'd know about it as she wouldn't settle if she was in pain :hug: :hug:
Aww you are NOT a bad mother I think most mums have done something they beat themselves up over at least once!

When Brody was just a few days old I lifted him up and banged his head on the edge of a shelf and felt sick and guilty for days but accidents happen it doesn't make you a bad mummy! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
DONT you feel like a bad mom, you are NOT......Ruby has rolled off the sofa the other day, I had turned to get a nappy and heard a thud, she was sitting wedged between the sofa and poofee, smiling away!!! I felt awful, ut she was fine. I m sure every mum has experienced something similiar at some point or other xxxx :hug: :hug:
Annabelle nearly wiggled off the sofa the other day because i left her on it when i went to get something from the kitchen :oops: so dont worry.

Just a tip though, you shouldnt carry a baby in a moses basket as far as im aware due to the fact they r bigger and easier to drop. They should tell people that when you buy them imo. But dont worry accidents do and will happen, the fact all is ok is the main thing :hug:
OH was cutting ben's finger nails last week - he decided to use baby clippers rather than baby scissors. Ben wiggled and OH cut the end of his finger. Ben screamed and OH was devastated for days!
Awww hun try not to worry accidents happen, i feel down the stairs with Alastair when he was only 2 weeks old and he hit his head off the wall, i was so tired and getting up to feed him in the night, accidents happen hun :hug: :hug: :hug:
OH was cutting ben's finger nails last week - he decided to use baby clippers rather than baby scissors. Ben wiggled and OH cut the end of his finger. Ben screamed and OH was devastated for days!

That happened to me aswell and felt awful but it was an accident the fact you feel so bad is because your not a bad mommy

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Aaaaw poor you! I'm sure she's fine and won't hold it against you! :)
chezzabell said:
Awww hun try not to worry accidents happen, i feel down the stairs with Alastair when he was only 2 weeks old and he hit his head off the wall, i was so tired and getting up to feed him in the night, accidents happen hun :hug: :hug: :hug:

thats one of my fears, falling on stairs with her, its such an easy thing to do :hug:

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