i dont want to seem selfish but


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2005
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love my parents and they have been absolutly great to me but i am starting to feel that wot ever i say they feel like they have a right to say other wise even if it is concerning B like tonite i was sorting B his dinner out and dad gave him a rusk and i knew it would ruin B's tea and i sed do u mind not doing that and it was like from both him and mum, we brought u two up i know how to bring children up!! this seems to be happening more and more and it feels like i should be saying wot B does etc but instead it seems they are saying wot is best. dont get me wrong but i love them so much and they have been great but wen i found out i was PG they agreed not to do this

i was just wondering about council housing but cant seem to find any websites on it ne ideas??
Oh dear Sarah bunny....
You know, your mum and dad probably did their best and are only trying to reflect the same on B. Although this have changed since you were a wee bunny, your parents won't know about it as they don't have babies to worry over anymore.
When the dust settles, explain to mum and dad that you're trying to do what's best for B with regards to his snacks, etc. Maybe they'll take it on board if it's not done whilst both parties get mad with each other.

Gosh, just realised that you were 5 years old when my son was born.... I feel like a right old fogey now!! :( :(
Nitey nite........ !!
Emilia xx
Hi Sarah

I think that you just have to go to your local council office and apply for a coucil property. You used to have to go into temporary accommodation first. The best thing is to get your parents to write a letter saying that they are throwing you out with 30 days notice.

This is what i did but that was in 1994 when i had kieran. i think it is a lot harder now.

lol emilia, how old are you if you dont mind me asking. i will be 37 on july 10 :shhh: :shhh: :shhh: :shhh:
Or if you have choose a home in your area or a housing association could apply for but if your not sure why don't you go and talk to some one that could tell you everything you need to know. e.g cab
Here now with the council it works of a point system, the worse the situation the higher points you get and then you bid with the points you are given, the person with the highest points gert the house, that's the council.
The housing association goes off your situation but you are put on a list and obviously you move up the list as a house is available.

It is worth a try, put your area and housing in google and they should have a council website.

oh my mum was the same with Amy, it's just their instincts taking over. :roll:
I stayed at home with my mum and dad until Daniel was 3 - I love my parents to bits, and it was great for babysitting but there were soooooo many conflicts it became unbearable.

We looked into doing the 'my parents threw me out' to get a council place, but couldn't go through with it. They wanted to interview my Dad, and he can't lie to save his life.

In the end we got a list of all the council points criteria and rented a flat to get as many points as possible. The flat was pretty nice, but 4th floor, no central heating, shower not bath got us a council flat in 2 months. The council flat was in a worse state than the flat I'd been in :(

My mum and dad also offered to buy us a house, but I felt as though I'd still be tied to them, I wanted my independance. It was difficult in those first few months, but it did me the world of good not having mummy and daddy on hand to bail me out!!

The hardest thing was leaving my cat behind :(
Davina... I'll be 37 on 27th September... :shock: :shock:
How come I still feel twenty something??? Mind you - body knackered now, but still running marathons and flirting in my head!!! :D :D
Emilia xx
You need to sit down and tell them that they have brought up theire children and now it's your turn and that your grateful for advice but they have to respect your wishes or you will find somewhere else to live cos you're unhappy - just keep it calm dont argue :)
With my son i lived with my mom for a while. It was sooooo hard. They always think they know what's best because they have raised children. You have to politly explain to them that as much as you appreciate there help you want to have the final say in what goes on. That you are his mother and that things have changed alot int he last 20 years since they reiased theres. That even though you live with them your wishes should be followed because ultimatly you are the one who is responsible for him.
emilia said:
Davina... I'll be 37 on 27th September... :shock: :shock:
How come I still feel twenty something??? Mind you - body knackered now, but still running marathons and flirting in my head!!! :D :D
Emilia xx

Just to clarify the above.... I'm NOT running marathons.... only in my head..... make sense? In my dreams, etc......... :wall: :wall:
Sarah... I'll take that as a complement, ta! :D
I do understand your dilema. I don't live with my mum, but my mum lives with us! Wehave good days and bad..... I will however, never see it as a "relationship" builder - more like destroyer.
Good ;uck, I hope the dust has settled in the mean time.
Emilia xx :wink:

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