I dont think shes satisfied


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2006
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:| over the past week shes been feeding every 30-45 mins and feeding for about 25 mins on and off.

last night and today is the worst :wall: shes been on and off me every 15 mins all night and day after every feed, shes only feeding for about 15-20 mins and as soon as shes off. shes on again, but everytime its a battle with her shes screaming at me as though shes not getting enough, im shatterd and upset because she is.

o tasha :hug: :hug: :hug:
Jamie had a day like that when he was a bit snuffly, constantly on then off, was a nightmare all day so i know what its like!
i had a nice warm bath with him, got him into his pyjamas and then made him feed for a good 40minutes even tho he was fighting me and he eventually nodded off for a few hours - was a different baby when he woke up!

i hope she gets better, have u tried givin her any formula?
I dont think she is snuffly, but I wish I knew what it was.

I'm not sure giving her formula is a good idea :think: been told it may reduce my supply, lol you cant win really :lol:

Thankyou for your reply mummykay :hug:
Hun Thea did the same thing at just over a month old. I dont know if it was a growth spurt or Thea just needed to increase my milk supply but she was miserable, all she wanted to do was feed. It seemed like I was only having minutes in between each feed and then it was time to start again. I was just at my wits end. It lasted for three days then all was well again!

Its a personal choice for you hun what you do. Personally i didn't introduce formula at all but that was easy for me because you cant just buy it in a shop here it comes from the doctor and he wouldnt have given it to me even if id wanted it. I knew i had to just get through it. I'm really glad i did though Tasha. It was hard but it was worth it.

If you need to give formula for your piece of mind then you do it. Do what ever is right for you and your baby hun.

This will pass Tasha i promise.

Thankyou Melanie you have given me abit of hope :D

I want to carry on Breastfeeding exclusivly, god its so hard tho sometimes, but im glad its just something that does happen and it will pass.

Ill just have to keep going and like you said its worth it in the end.

Thankyou :hug:
Just wanted to say that I breastfed Oliver for the first 10/12 weeks exclusively and then introduced a bottle of formula in the evening as I was getting exhausted from the constant feeding and it meant DH could do it and give me a complete break. This didn't affect my milk supply at all and carried on feeding him myself the rest of the time and he would go 3 hours between feeds. I have now stopped feeding completely as felt this was the best thing for both of us. Just wanted to say that for me one formula feed didn't affect my supply so if you feel you need the break give it a try.

Have you spoken to your HV about it?
noI havnt spoken to a HV yet as they are on a training thing, so I am unable to talk to one. I will see how she goes but thank you for your advice I shall keep what you said in mind.

Definitely sounds like a growth spurt Tasha but I also noticed that Leorah wasn't quite herself when she was younger and took her to the doc as she was fussing at the breast. It turned out she had a virus and was blocked up even though I couldn't tell. They gave me saline drops for her nose and explained babies can't feed when their nose is blocked.

Have you eaten anything with a strong flavour?
I try and keep to healty food, I dont eat anything spicy either.

She seems to be better today and is going longer between feeds, and my milk seems to be up too, they get pretty full very quickly.

Im glad I stuck it out :D

Tho the only thing thats getting me now is sinse the begining of the week my let down has become more painfull, its a very strong feeling let down each time she is due for a feed, and when she feeds I feel at least 3 let downs.

Does anyone else experience anything simlar?
I don't want to alram you but this was how it felt when my thrush started. Do you feel it when not feeding to?
no I just get the pain when im feeding and when shes due a feed
Logan has been like this and I have been feeling pain during let down... I have been diagnosed as having thrush and have been given creams. The HV said Logan was fussy on the breast becasue his mouth was sore... this may be the same with you. I would get checked out just to make sure.
:think: I will do that thanks, the only reason why I think it isnt was when she was fussing yesterday I noticed that not alot of milk was flowing, which was making her frustrated, and when I had a let down she was fine, shes been fine today and hasnt fussed at all, and having longer feeds. I will still mention it tho :D
Leorah never had any symptons when I had thrush. She also gets annoyed when the milk isn't gushing fast! She's a lazy madam and doesn't want to work to hard especially if she is very hungry :lol:

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