I don't like being pregnant.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
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how do woman say they love being pregnant?
i have so far had the kind of pregnancy most woman would dream of. i threw up once and only once. i can eat anything i want, nothing gross's me out. mild to no heart burn. my doctor constantly assures me that everything is normal, but still. GET MY BABY OUT OF ME AND IN MY ARMS!

it's not just that im excited to meet LO. i hate the bloated feeling, i hate not being able to wear my regular clothes. i cant complain about how great my boobs look :D .

i just don't find this experience very enjoyable. it's rather uncomfortable.
blimey i'd love to feel well like you

Ive only just stopped throwing up, ive caught every cold / sniffle going making me feel like death warmed up and my god do i feel depressed.

Were similar in that were both not enjoying it though, but i think for different reasons
I am very impatient also :lol:
I have had a pregnancy just like yours, and felt pretty well throughout (and long may it continue). However, I was very uncomfortable with being pregnant in the first couple of months, but I think that was more down to worry and anxiety. I also hated the way my body was changing - my boobs were a 32 DD before I fell pregnant and now they are at a whopping 36 E and I have read they are likely to get even bigger :roll:

Although over the last 3 weeks I have started to really relax, and am actually enjoying the whole experience now.....I love shopping for maternity clothes (but thats maybe because I have just moved back to the UK from France and havent been shopping for a year :D ). Yes I get hip pain, and feel very heavy when I walk around, and although I have a bump, its still at the "is she fat or pregnant stage" at the moment, but I dont care!

One thing I have realised is how quickly the times flies by and it wont be long before you are holding your baby.

I hope you start feeling better soon and can totally sympathise as I felt the same for weeks!!
ooohh france?! how amazing! i've heard awesome things about living there. i heard they send a care giver to help new mother through baby's first few months, covered by the govournment.

us woman, we are never happy.
befor i was pregnant i barely filled my 34B, now i pop right out of them, or wear a C!!!
Pregnancy isn't for everyone, they want the baby but don't want the long 9 months that come with it! I love being pregnant but I have to admit I'm starting to get really uncomfortable and impatient now! Maybe once you start to feel LO move you will enjoy it more :hug: :hug: :hug:
I'm really enjoying being pregnant right now but I haven't always felt like this. Between the worry and the bad days it was a lot of hard work!

Now I'm trying to relax and enjoy it as much as possible, but as has been said, its not everyone's idea of fun!

I'm sure once your baby is here you'll feel it was all worth it, just have to be patient and hope time flies!
I hate to put a downer on things but if you hate it now what are you gonna be like when your huge and cant get comfy no matter how you stand or sit.

I only got uncomfortable at 37 weeks, and i was happy at your stage, its the best bit where you start getting a bump, feeling kicks, going for your scan and buying things. Enjoy the build up cos by the time you get to the late stages you get impatient

Are you checking out babies development, i found it good to have an idea of what was going on in there with her thoughout.
stace914 said:
ooohh france?! how amazing! i've heard awesome things about living there. i heard they send a care giver to help new mother through baby's first few months, covered by the govournment.

us woman, we are never happy.
befor i was pregnant i barely filled my 34B, now i pop right out of them, or wear a C!!!

The great thing about having a baby in France, is they are much more thorough than they are in the UK, blood tests/urine tests every month etc. You also get a private room when you go into hospital to have the baby, and the room has 2 beds so your husband/partner can stay with you the whole time, and you are kept in hospital for 5 days for a normal birth and 7-10 days after a C-Section. After that though I hear you are on your own and dont get much support when you leave hospital.

You also get a card to carry around with you so you never have to queue anywhere, they treat pregnant women with a lot of respect in France....

Now Im wondering why I wanted to move back to the UK :D

Seriously I love being home.............
I still think blooming is a conspiracy!! :shakehead:

I'd swap my boobs for any of yours though! Mine have gone from a 36DD/E to a mammoth 38G. I have absolutely no choice in maternity bras (anything that will remotely cover them!) and if they get any bigger I'll have to start fashioning something out of pillow cases I think! :doh:
:) I don't particularly enjoy it lol! I don't hate it but I would rather just grow in a month and then have the baby straight away 9months is a LOOOOOOONG time and I'm impatient! I have only just started to get uncomfy and I find that is only really when I have been rushing around loads I find when I visit my parents and have a big drive there and back I usually feel awful for a few days last weekend was one of them I was fecked I thought I was going to pop I was so sore and achy but now I feel fine again, yet I still cant say "ooo I love being pregnant".

I dont make a good pregnant lady but I know I will make a good mum :) I think some people either like it, really hate it, or just want there babe out asap! :D
Julie84 said:
I still think blooming is a conspiracy!! :shakehead:
:lol: I think that everytime someone tells me i look all glowly and healthy....I might look like that but they don't see the ghost who gets up on average three times a night to wee...they don't know how sore my tummy is from internal scarring and how much pain I am in all day... but I do love it when they say that :D I love being pregnant but I could do without the aches but then i feel really thankful I am not suffering from SPD - I think if we're honest we all have days where we can't wait to NOT be pregnant again.. I know I do anyways :) xxxx

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