I don't know what to do


Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2011
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I need some advice. I'm not feeling good at all at the moment. I am 5 days late and keep getting negative tests. I'm always on time with af. I'm having alot of symptoms. I'm now wondering if the stress is stopping af but i have been under serious stress before and it never stopped. I had a light bleed 4 days before af was due. What would you do. OH isn't being that supportive, he just keeps saying wait and see. He has no idea how i'm feeling. He doesn't think i should go to the docs unless i get a positive. I was going to leave it a couple of weeks and if in the same position. Got to the docs then. What do you think? x
I know a few people who have had false negatives personally id go to the docs he may do a blood test to find out if you are pregnant. I hope you get the result your after :)
Im my second month of trying i was 5 days late for AF and getting BFN's but the next day it showed up. I would leave it a couple more days and then test again, try to stay calm and relaxed, i know easier said than done! Hope its just a shy BFP xx
id wait a few more days and test again... what test did you use? hope its a shy BFP for you!!.. xx
Think i've used everyone there is. First response, cb, cheapies. Am going to try on again on friday, if nothing i'm going to the docs. I'm really fed up now

Still no sign i'm now 10 days late. Went to the docs on friday and he gave me a blood test. So just waiting on the results xx
i would go docs and get it checked out. dont worry about it until you have some info from the docs
Good Luck Sunshine!!
We all have everything crossed for you!!
I hope this is your month!!

Blood test says i'm not pregnant. What the hell is going on with my body then. I'm so upset. I really thought i was and where is AF
Aww sorry sunshine x :hugs: what cd are you? You may jus be having a longer cycle?! Did you track ov do you know when you ov? X
Sorry to hear it hun, I have no advice to give I'm afraid. :( x x
I usually have a 30 cycle. Never known me to be late. So i guessed the ov day going to online calculators. So i know it was during the sec week after af. BD every night that week. I'm now 11 days late and my boobs look pregnant. I don't know, i'm devastated. Worse bit is if they are correct and i'm not pg then until af comes we can't even try again and as i'm always regular i have no basis when it will come now
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Perhaps try an ovulation predictor kit? That might help you pinpoint the best times to BD and also will let you know whether your luteal phase is a bit shorter or longer than 14 days. x x
im in the same position as you atm, all the symptoms, no af but neg tests. all i can say is when i was pregnant with my first 6 years ago i had a blood test at the drs, i was really sure it was pos, came back neg but the next week i had a bfp with a hpt, dates worked out i was very early at time of blood test. hope you get your bfp soon x
Hope this is jus a shy bfp x x FX x x

If you do get af then I would say get ovulation kits cos my cycles are 35-38 so ovulation an luteal phase do change month to month x

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