I don't know what else to do...


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2010
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I feel like were in limbo, just got my AF for our 10th month of TTC & it's getting me down.
Weve tried pretty much everything & really thought we had it this month as we were away for 3 weeks so very relaxed while I was ovulating & I was having regular reflexology but no luck again!

We can't see the GP yet as we have to wait till the 12 months but I just want to know what's going on. I've noticed now that I have odd periods one month they are 29 days the the next they are between 33 & 36 days that can't be normal can it? Ive had this pattern now for 7 months. It's got me thinking that maybe one of my ovaries isn't working or something but I can't get any answers until we've been trying at least the 12 months.

I just feel it's never going to happen, it doesn't help that my sis fell preggers really quickly & so did my mum so neither of them would understand :(

I'm going to start acupuncture next week to see if that helps as Bonnys experience really struck a cord with me, so fingers crossed that helps.

Sorry for going on but really feeling it today & needed to off load. Hope some of u are lucky enough to get your BFP this month:)
:hugs: Hun really don't have anything to suggest but didn't want to read and run :hugs:
Hey Hunni

10 months of TTC is not that long believe it or not, most couples do not concieve until after a year of TTC....me and my o/h have been TTC for over 4 years now, so just goes to show you that it can take ages lol I am slightly overweight and my partner is normal, but we both have healthy lifestyles and we eat healthy, don't smoke or drink it's just one of those things...

There's perhaps nothing wrong, it maybe that you are trying too hard or stressing over it, just relax and forget about it and it will probably happen, if not then wait until after 1 year and then go and see your GP, most GP's will give you the same advice and may still tell you to continue TTC until the 2 year mark! We was told this before they can start to send you for any tests or fertility treatment.

Fingers crossed for you hunni xx
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Sorry you have a low moment Buggy, I think we all have them from time to time. Does your doctor know how long you have been ttc for ? if not then just go there and say you have been ttc for over a year with no success it may help speed things up x
I went to see my GP when we first started trying, for advise etc so she knows how long we've been trying so can't cheat the system unfortunately.

I know everyone says to relax about it but I really feel like I am but the longer TTC goes on the less relaxed I am going to be. I don't know how you do it Babylover, 4 years seems so long, so I'm sending you lots of :dust:

Has anyone else got the weird AF pattern like me? Am still wondering about it.
Hey didn't want to read and run. I'm only on my second month of ttc and have so much respect for you ladies who have been ttc for months or even years. Sending lots of :dust: to buggy and babylover x
Hi Buggy,

my cycles are a bit like urs-some months 34 days and then 29, 31 and even 39! we have been ttc for 16months and are waiting for a referral to come through as we have other complications. i showed my doc my cycle pattern and she said that was normal and not everyone has totally regular cycles!! she said it needs to be quite a big gap in between each cycle for it to be irregular. so, try not to worry about your cycles! and 10months isnt that long-my doc said that 80% of couples get pregnant after a year-so you still have time!!
try and stay positive.xx
Hiyaaa, ive been having unpretected sex for 2 years but only been ttc for just over 7 months, ive had a few blood tests, so check horemoans etc, but my doc didnt even know that we had been having unpretected sex for 2 years. He just thought we had been ttc for 7 months. Once i got the results back and everything was fine, i said i didnt understand why nothing hadnt happend in two years and doc was shocked!.. he is nw sending me for an ultrasound at the end of the week. You should deffo ask for blood tests, even if they dont do an ultrasound on your ovaries yet. Doesnt really help but didnt wana read and run! x
This is my 9th cycle and I feel exactly the same as you. Im worried im infertile :shock:
I can completelty appreicte - this is my 15 month and my sister and mum fell first time with all their pregnancies. Doctor says they have increased tests to a year and a half. I feel i have tried everything too.
We just have to stay postiovie and know it will happen xx

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