i dont have a bump:-(


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2007
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am i alone here, i am in my 20th week of pregnancy and i dont have a bump....i really want one, at the moment i know i have grown becuase some of my tops are tighter....... but i jut look fat... i have no bump :-( everyday i look at everyone tummys pics and I WANT ONE!..... when did yours appear??????
Hey i'm sneaking in from 3rd tri but i wanted to reassure you that everyone is different and so don't worry! Mine seemed to pop overnight and suddenly i was bumpy! Enjoy being comfy whilst you can as once you've got a bump sleep is a lot harder!

Hopefully you'll get your bump soon :) xxxx
Hey I'm 19 weeks and just look fat, only the people that know me well know it's a pregnancy bump emerging but to everyone else I just look fat. It will come soon enough, I hope!! :wall: i want it now!!
My bump seemed to appear overnight with my first pregnancy at around 20 weeks-ish. Had a bit of a podge before that but just looked like I'd eaten too many pies, then all of a sudden it went pop and exploded overnight! This time it's been much earlier and I had a bump at 12 weeks but as they say, you will usually pop out earlier with second or subsequent babies. Don't worry about it, soon enough you will be moaning about feeling uncomfortable and not being able to sleep!
I just look fat too, and my arse has grown :(
i don't have a big bump yet, and i've only gained about 1/2 a kilo (1 pond), if you didn't know i was pregnant you cant guess from my shape. those who know me can see i am getting bigger, but stangers probably wonder why i am looking around baby shops.

I have a small bump but it doesn't really seem to be going anywhere just yet and it can look podgy! I know in a couple of weeks it will have exploded so I'm not worried! It won't be long hun and then you'll be moaning cos it's too big :lol:
I just look fat, I've put a stone on :shock: But I put 6lb of that on when I was on holiday then over xmas. Recently I've been putting about 2lb a week on, I cant stop eating though. If I carry on at this rate I will be massive :(
I know what you mean about eating Jodie! I've constantly got something in my hand! I'm trying to hang breakfast out a bit cos once I start eating I can't stop it!
An obvious bump appeared at 20/21 weeks

But i felt "fat" for a long time too
No it's quite normal especially if it's your first baby. With my first baby I was still wearing size 10 clothes at the end of my pregnancy and when I'd given birth the mw's asked me had I really just had a baby as my tummy was soooooo flat. :rotfl:

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