I don't get it


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2010
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I am officially very confused. I'm not sure whether i'm just being dumb...

I have just been showing my hubby my maternity notes, and it says...

"Engagement 3/5"

"VE to assess - Station -2"

"Cervix not effaced, admits one finger"

Now when I asked MW to explain she said that "station -2 means that the baby is still quite high and effaced means the cervix isn't thinned out as yet as she could only fit one finger"

What is confusing me is - 2 things:

1. I thought engagement numbers (1/5, 2/5, 3/5, 4/5, 5/5) means how far down the pelvis the babies head is? So how can it be stationed -2 if I am 3/5 engaged?

2. VE to assess - what is VE? I don't recall my MW mentioning this during my appointment.

Hope someone can help, sorry to be a nuisance, I just want to get it around my head so I know what is going on!
1/5 is fully engaged, 5/5 is not very engaged, and that my friend is all i can tell you! i think the cervix not effaced means its still high and baby has to almost get on top of it to push it down and forward. err VE i have absolutely no idea what this may be, it might not be anything we need to know, in my notes i have an abreviation section do you? it may say there x
Maybe to midwives 3/5 is classed as "quite high"? I don't know I'm afraid. They really should explain these things more clearly because we look forward to these appointments for ages and hang on their every word!
I thuoght the number stand for how thick/thin the cervix is. 1 meaning very thin and stretchy (and so ready for contraction to open it) and ofcourse 5/5 is shut tight hehe (like you have during pregnancy so that they baby doesn't go out before his/her time hehe.

I don't do vaginal examinations at my midwife because I am against it but I think VE stands for that (not a 100% sure).

you're cervix could also be thin and soft but the baby not engaged too (that's where the numbers stand for -2 is still a high baby, +1 or +2 is fully engaged (depending on the person you are it is also personal how far the baby is engaged before birth and with second and or third babies they may not even engage until labour starts.
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Effaced does mean your cervix hasn't thinned out yet but I wouldn't worry about the 3/5th's engaged! I was that 2 days before giving birth so you can engage quite quick!

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