I don't feel like me!


Jul 4, 2017
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Fed up of not feeling like me. I had a surprise bfp in March and miscarried late at 11 weeks. Nearly 5 weeks on n don't feel like I'm getting a period or pregnant. I'm not testing as I know how devastating getting that negative is and whilst there has been sex I don't think I'm pregnant. I know my body, im regular and often i can feel when I ovulate. As much as I know that first period will be hard I just want to get back to my normal rhythm.
It can take up to 6 weeks after a miscarriage to have your first period, I was still getting faint positives 3 weeks after miscarrying, your body will be all over the place at the moment regular cycles or not, I know your feeling in limbo right now but you will get back to normal, sorry for your loss xx
Not only are there physical balances that need to happen but hormonal regulation, not to mention emotional. Mc ‘s are difficult to deal with, and frustrating to overcome when you just want to get back to ttc. I hope your cycle balances out soon x
I totally feel your pain could have written this myself! I had a natural miscarriage 4 weeks ago at 10+5 (although it was just an empty sac), 4 weeks 2 days on from passing the sac and no period yet, my cycle has been so confusing was doing ovulation tests but they were all over the place, nearly positive one day then completely negative again then back to nearly positive, I gave up on them a week ago, however I have a glimmer of hope now as noticed some egg-white fluid yesterday so done an ovulation test and it was a blazing positive, I feel like 4 weeks on from passing the sac is quite late to ovulate considering my cycles were regular 29 days before, but never mind I’ll take it! You will get your cycle back soon enough, I know the wait is so frustrating though!
I think what's bothering me most is that I suffer with pmt and have sore boobs in the run up to my period and I don't feel anything like that. I'm sure it will happen at some point.
I know it’s so frustrating, at 11 weeks you will have had very high pregnancy hormone levels and will have gone a while without a period so it will naturally take your body a bit of time to
realise and get back to normal
Tmi but I had very heavy blood loss - soaking big pads n thru them in half hour even nurses were worried. I had a definite negative 1 week after. Emotionally I've coped much better this time but I just need to be patient. I know there r others in a much worse situation than me n I need to remember that I'm already very blessed to have a perfect little man.
I think my hormones were all over the place for 2 months after, even though I had a period. And I was soooo spotty, which is always a sign I'm hormonal. It takes a while honey, sorry x
I think my hormones were all over the place for 2 months after, even though I had a period. And I was soooo spotty, which is always a sign I'm hormonal. It takes a while honey, sorry x

Sunflower I'll second you on that - the bloody spots! My god, they are so irritating, as if you don't feel shitty enough about yourself already then to feel like a spotty oik teenager haha! And the tiredness...crazy tiredness! x
I think my hormones were all over the place for 2 months after, even though I had a period. And I was soooo spotty, which is always a sign I'm hormonal. It takes a while honey, sorry x

Sunflower I'll second you on that - the bloody spots! My god, they are so irritating, as if you don't feel shitty enough about yourself already then to feel like a spotty oik teenager haha! And the tiredness...crazy tiredness! x

Awful tiredness...and the weight gain! x

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