I can't wait!


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2010
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Just been flicking around on the net reading some home birth stories and I'm sooooooo excited now! x I honestly can not wait to give birth at home, even though I've got AGES to go! x Also I can't wait to try to breastfeed for the first time x I've got a proper bubble of excitement wanting to burst just thinking about everything! Lol x
Aw hon, that's so lovely - great news that you are excited - means you can really enjoy pregnancy - and becoming a mum is a wonderful experience so you won't be disappointed xxx
Aw! I feel your excitement! I just can't stop looking at my scan pics!
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I had a hospital birth with DD and though it was a good birth I just can not wait to do it at home! x I feel like such a freak being this excited already but that's me I guess! x just gotta coach OH in how to help me etc x going to get some hypnobirth books and CDs too x
I've thought about homebirth but with 2 boys, a dog and a useless hubby I wouldn't be allowed to rest like I would in hospital! At least there I'd get food made for
me! Lol

Good for you though, it's got to help being in the right frame of mind!
I'm for home birth this time - what made my mind up was when they said i wouold be out of birthing suite in 3-6 hours! In old hospital you were allowed to stay for 2-3 days brought lovely food and tea and biscuits! Now(new hospital) they only have three muti function rooms so you don't even get chance to move about. My hubby was useless in last three births at least if he is at home he can do what he likes until the moment comes and i can be left in the zone without getting frustrated that he is talking about work or something completely unrelated! Having my cousin and sister there plus my children can be a part of it all if they wish x
ahhh I cant wait to give birth either...everyone thinks Im mad!! Its my first time and I dont feel like I could relax having a home birth cos im not sure whats normal or not, I think Ill be asking for constant checks and reassurance that whats happening is supposed to be so I can keep positive, I really want to avoid going into panic mode! I hope my hospital dont kick me out after a few hours! I wanna be pampered too!
I'm really looking forward to it too! I had a great labour with DD but had a hard after birth due to having a retained placenta but even with being told it will prob happen again I'm still looking forward to it! I'd love a home birth! Abit more relaxing!
home birthing is def not for me as i might be having csection again and at the very least iv already booked my epidural lol but if its what you want then you get excited hun go you!

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