I cant stop thinkin of names

boo boo

Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2005
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Well for a girl I was think Kyla, Kiera or Kyria, and the middle name Rose, after my mother, I am liking Ewauen or Ieauen and middle name Neil (after his dad), if its a boy. All the boys names I chose seem to be welsh names, which I dnt mind actually. Was considering Iestyn at one point but sorta went off it, and my freind just named her baby that, so I cant. Sorta liking Dylan now aswel. Wot u all think.
I like Keira and do you mean Ewauen the same sounding as Ewan Mcgregor? If so then yep I like that too. Remember it also depends how the names sound with the surname the baby will have. I want Sonny for a boy but my cousins son is called Sonny and by marriage me and my cousin have the same surname, so our childrens names would be exactly the same.

I am toying with Jessica (Jess) for a girl and haven't a clue for a boy.

Its a bit daunting isn't it :)
We wanted Jessica for a girl but our cat is called Jess so it would be too confusing. I don't have any ideas for a girls name...
Why do we always give our favourite names to our pets?!! My cat is called Phoebe and I love that name for a girl. My dog is called Travis but not sure if I would name a boy that?!? My mums cats are called Meeshka, Ira and Japser and her dog is called Max. Apart from Japser I quite like all them names lol

That's so true, I had a cat called Poppy and I love that name but can't call my bambino it. Also my last name is Pearce and Poppy Pearce just sounds silly :)
I like jack (Jack Jackson) maybe not! I always said our first child would be a girl called Chloe, but then it went quite common, so still deciding! Our cats Are Kiera and Sasha so those names are out, my hubby likes tyler & Corey so they are in the running (but corey rhymes with gorey, we liked ellie, but it rhymes with smelly so Nope!) They say if you have a plain second name then you can go more adventerous with the first! Will see I'm sure some will Jump out! oh also like ben, but they are always the kid that is in trouble at school so my mum says!
Dam just suggested my boys names to the OH and he dont like em. God i feel like killing him now, ive had them names picked out for years. :evil:

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