i cant believe im even considering this...


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2012
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...it makes me feel awful but we agreed not to find out the sex- hubby said no way and so did the family. but i keep changing my mind! at the moment i really want to find out again but its a no go from hubby. so then i started thinking that maybe just maybe i should do it in secret! and then i realised how shitty that was...i never keep anything from hubby and the thought of that is rotten...then i change my mind again and think what the hell what he doesnt know wont hurt him....its my baby too growing in my body.......and then the conscience kicks in again.. gggrrrrrrr! does this make me the most disloyal wife on the planet or what? and has anyone else been in this situation?
There was a girl on here due same time I had my baby who found out but her Hubby didn't want to know, was really hard for her to not let slip and she had to hide the pink stuff. Her Hubby knew she knew but didn't want to find out in the end he asked her a while later as he changed his mind. So you could always agree you will find out but not tell anyone else!
I stayed team yellow and loved it, that feeling of my Hubby telling me we had a boy was lovely, I don't want to know next time either but Hubby always wanted to know so he said next time we will find out as I got my way this time!

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Hey! From day 1 I wanted to find out. Was set on it. Then one day my boyfriend text me saying how did I feel about not finding out... Agh! He had been thinking about it, and there's no need to find out. We just want a healthy baby. And knowing how much it ment to him made me not find out... I'm 25 weeks and sooooo glad we didn't! Seeing my friends and family all guessing, and work mates all staring at my bump to see if it looks like a boy or girl. There even having a wee bet at work whether it's a boy or girl and weight for 50p and closest gets the money! Haha! Also not know has saved us a fortune, we've been very sensible with our choices of neutral things so it can be used in the future, and bought basic clothes as we know we will be inundated when baby gets here, and can't wait to take baby a shopping spree in its pram :) I'm loving the surprise! 2 of my friends are pregnant too, and have both found out its boys, and I can tell people are like oh right, a boy! Takes the fun out it! And I know when I'm in labour people will be waiting to hear what it is :) it's good fun xx
Hey! From day 1 I wanted to find out. Was set on it. Then one day my boyfriend text me saying how did I feel about not finding out... Agh! He had been thinking about it, and there's no need to find out. We just want a healthy baby. And knowing how much it ment to him made me not find out... I'm 25 weeks and sooooo glad we didn't! Seeing my friends and family all guessing, and work mates all staring at my bump to see if it looks like a boy or girl. There even having a wee bet at work whether it's a boy or girl and weight for 50p and closest gets the money! Haha! Also not know has saved us a fortune, we've been very sensible with our choices of neutral things so it can be used in the future, and bought basic clothes as we know we will be inundated when baby gets here, and can't wait to take baby a shopping spree in its pram :) I'm loving the surprise! 2 of my friends are pregnant too, and have both found out its boys, and I can tell people are like oh right, a boy! Takes the fun out it! And I know when I'm in labour people will be waiting to hear what it is :) it's good fun xx

was ^^
We had our 20 week scan a few weeks ago and I was exactly the same hun! Stuck in limbo.... all the way through TTC and up to around 19 weeks of pregnancy hubby and I werwe team yellow. I started wondering 'does it really matter if I find out LO's gender?'. Long story short we stayed team yellow, hubby was adament that he didn't want to know but was happy for me to find out if that is what I really wanted. I am so glad I stayed team yellow, we have decorated the nursary in warm cream and the furniture is white. All of Lo's clothes are cute little white sleep suits and vests as we will just go shopping once LO is here. I can't wait for hubby to say we have a little boy/girl after the potential trials and tribulations of labour. We would also like to have more children (God willing) so the neutral stuff will come in handy!

I am in the possibly enviable position of being able to scan myself as we have a lovely ultrasound machine at work. This means it is very tempting to scan at every opportunity (and my colleagues are always trying to get me to scan myself). So far I have been very well behaved and only scanned myself twice and only when hubby has been there so he doesn't miss out (does mean I've had an audience of about 10 each time). We are trying to decide if to find out or not. Trouble is, once I get to about 19-20 weeks i'll be able to tell if we're blue or pink - so no more self scans if we don't want to know. I couldn't keep it a secret if I knew and hubby didn't. I quite like the idea of a surprise.

I did scan another staff member last year at her request once (she would have done it herself otherwise - its not something i'd offer) and she asked what it was (a boy). She didn't tell her husband she knew, but told him that he could pick the girls name and she'd pick the boys name! He still doesn't know now!

(PS I did check both with my midwife and ultrasonographer before scanning myself and they approved it)
such a hard decision, how about getting the songrapher to write it down and put it in an envelope so if you both change your minds you have it x
I'd have to find out in secret, my oh would expect nothing less ;) x
As you can see from my ticker we did find out that we're having a boy. We have only told immediate family and DH told next door neighbour who had baby girl in December. I still have all my work mates trying to guess and they keep trying to draw me into the conversation and I am really proud to say that I haven't got involved. 11 weeks or so and they will be put out of their misery. (o yes so far everyone has guessed I'm having a boy - all to do with my shape or something. lol)
everyone we have spoken to recently who found out the sex of their baby early all say they wished the hadnt!!

so we are staying team yellow.
we are staying team yellow and I'm so glad we are. We managed not to find out the sex at our 20 week scan and our 3d scan, and we have our 32 week scan next week so will stay strong for that one! I am just so excited to find out the sex once it's born! Can't wait :) xx
I admire u team yellows neither me or hubby could wait and went for a private gender scan at 16 weeks n we r team pink x

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