I can't believe I made it!!!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2007
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Hello!! :wave:

Well after 5 years, loads and loads of tests, lots of waiting around, impatient tears and a successful IUI treatment (v important) I have finally made it, hello y'all :wave: I am v happy to be here! :cheer:

I am only a weeny bit pregnant (5 weeks) but hopefully with all going well :pray: this will be my home until I advance to second tri :shock:

Have an initial scan on the 20th December to see if just 1, or 2, or 3 babies there....eep!!

:hug: :hug: To everyone here.
You must be over the moon after 5 years! Congrats and welcome :hug: xxx
Huge congratulations to you!

Hope you have a healthy and happy pregnancy!
That is a long wait - such brilliant news for you, and just before Christmas too.

I hope you have a healthy pregnancy :hug:
Congratualtions! You must be really happy and excited!
A x
Fantastic news :clap: !!!!! must be the best xmas present ever!!!! good luck!!!
Congratulations...x... Im 5 weeks today and im feeling pretty yuck... worth it tho.. I thought nearly a year of trying was long...
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:


Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months.

welcome to the forum!!

excellent news! my hubby and i have been trying for 3 years and were about to start fertility treatment in Jan... i am currently 8 weeks pregnant now. It happened with no help at all. We were on such a high when we found out.

unfortuantley, things arent happening as they should and ive already had treatment for supected eptioic, but maybe its not time yet. I dont want to put a downer on your fantastic news.

But the up side to all this is that we know we can do it by ourselves and we are determind not to give up. We've taken such a huge step and are very grateful for being given this experience.

Good luck and keep us posted with your pregnancy. xxx
Thanks everyone!! :cheer:

Sunshine Gal we will have to keep an eye out for each other as we are due the same time :D

KellyH congrats on your BFP!! I too am having an eptopic scare as had major pains earlier that literally left me on the floor, I have to go for some blood tests later on this morning and a scan next week as still a bit early to see. Am hoping it is just me being incredibly wuss like and not coping with ligaments stretching etc. Was extremely upset earlier today but have now decided that now I have finally made it into the 1st tri I am going to be doing all I can to stick around and think positive.

Gooooo first tri ........... :cheer: :cheer:
Congratualtions and good luck! must be this time ofr the year :D I wish you the happiest 9 months, and love every single second of being pregnant as im sure its all you have thought of fter 5 years :D
After 5 years this is great news.


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