i cant be the only one!


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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we decided not to go to my parents bonfire & fireworks party this year, its just too much hassle, millies too little to enjoy it and id hav to put her to bed there pretty much straight away, she'd be in unfamiliar noisy surroundings it wouldnt be fair and she'd probably hav me upstairs all nite so id miss it anyway.

it looks quiet here tonite, and i presume ur all at bonfires; but there must be others with little babies in routines?- or even pregnant ladies with all-day morning sickness or massive bumps or something stopping them from enjoying the fun?- or maybe ttc ladies who are ovulating and too busy BDing?!

maybe we could have a virtual party lol has anyone got any animated fireworks graphics that would really cheer me up.
I'm here :wave:
I was gonna go to the local big fireworks tomorrow night but Keeley's just gettin over a ear infection so we aren't goin now and she goes to bed at 6pm. one of my neighbours is having fireworks so i am watchin theres from the warmth of my flat hehe :)
Here's some firworks for you :hug:




And some hot chocolate as its looks cold outside
We're not going out tonight. I'm lucky in that I live on a hill over looking the town, so I get a good view of all the displays from the bedroom windows :D
I'm here as well :wave:

Where I live they have a big display on the beach and we were gonna go but Jamie has been poorly and I was up all night with him last night and been in my pjs all day :(

He perked up a bit earlier so we went in the car, away from the crowds and watched from the car, good job cos I still had my pjs on :oops:
I'm here :wave:

Rob's out, and we're letting ours off on Monday.
Im here too, im not really into the whole firework thing plus i have a dog and although hes seems fine with the fireworks not sure if i left him on his own he might bark at the bangs :think:
Hey I'm here....

Can't be bothered to look for firework pics so here are some sounds effects....

hey! :wave: i'm here too, Louie has an awful ear infection & is quite ill so theres no way we could have gone any where, were supposed to go to Richs brothers for a firework do.
also Josh is petfified of fireworks poor boy, although tonight he has actually looked out the window & said 'they're not to bad are they'!

lets have our own party :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
i had noone to go with as poor hubby working till midnight with all the lil shites letting off fireworks in the street :roll: his having a busy night :rotfl:

so its me , bump and woofy , x factor and alot of housework :rotfl:
I'm in with the kids tonight, OH gone to a late halloween party and I didn't want to go knowing that everyone would be drunk and smoking so stayed in with kids and watched x factor etc!

I HATE fireworks anyhow so won't be going anywhere all weekend or monday night!
We are going to my MILs annual firework party on Monday.

I have been in spring-cleaning the kitchen in preparation for my guests tomorrow. Who ever said I have become old and boring? :rotfl:
We had some fireworks tonight in the garden as DH has his college course on a monday night!

Olivia is also used to going to bed at 7, we managed to keep her up untill 7.30 then she started yawning so i put her to bed and she went down like a light!

I was really suprised as she wasn't bother by the fireworks, infact she was braver than Brooke and she is nearly 8 :rotfl: . There was still lots of fireworks going off (including ours) when she went to bed, didn't think she would settle but she did!
i dnt like fireworks :( about 2 years ago i was at a firework party and 1 of the rockets didnt lift out of the ground and went off in the garden it was a big 1 no1 was hurt but it just freaks me out now. i love big bonfires im guna c if there is one on sunday sit by a fire with sum marshmellows yum :) x

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