I am worrying :(


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2008
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It has occured to me just how little support we really have and i am so worried about either going into hospital or my labour starting.

MIL lives next door but i have fallen out with her over my middle son ( you may of seen my post in other area) so if anything goes wrong in the middle of the night i only have two choices go to hospital alone or phone my parents, who are likely to have had a couple of glasses of wine!

I am so worried about who will look after the boys if i am in hospital and Hubby is with me (he will be for the birth obviously).

I have had a lot of pain lately, i am huge already and i am struggling both physically and emotionally, i am due to see midwife at home on monday (if one remembers me!) and i sort of feel ill all the time, and i worry that i will end up in hospital because of the PP.

I know i shouldn't be stressing out but MIL has really hacked me off and this is getting to me a lot. The mad thing is i could really do with a break from it all and i am even thinking that if i have to go into hospital at 36 weeks it will be sort of welcomed because i really need to be away from her and all the stress!

My parents work so i can't expect them to have the boys too much and MIL works but is now refusing to look after them. :wall:

Sorry to moan on, but i just feel so stressed out tonight and i have nobody to talk to :(
awww hun I dont know what to say but didnt want to read and run. Have you no friends u can trust to help out?? sending you lots of hugs :hug: :hug: :hug:

and dont every say sorry for moaning thats what we are all here for!! :hug: :hug: :hug:
I don't have any close friends who live nearby and the ones i do have locally have family or their own plus are at uni!

When i had Harry i managed to get an induction at 38 weeks for social reasons, IF i have a normal delivery then i am going to go for this again so that i can sort the childcare out before hand.

If i have to have the section then that will be ok too cause my dad and brother will look after them (mum is going to be at the hospital with me and hubby)

I can't really rely on my brother because he is only 16 (very responisible though) and he has school and his GCSE's are looming!

I suppose its just the whole 'what if something happens all of a sudden' that is worrying me, i am sure we would cope somehow and i am trying to get everything ready for that happening - like having the spare bedding all set to go if someone needs to sleep over with the kids!

I think i am just getting myself worked up because on my stupid, selfish mother in law!!
You really must not stress yourself out hun!! You have so much on your plate, MIL should pull her finger out and realise that she needs to help at times like this (sorry I'm judging but don't know the background). I'm sure it will all fall into place when the time comes!!

Good luck XX

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