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i am such a bad mummy


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2005
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Braydon is being so naughty at the moment and i really dont know how to deal with him i am always getting told im doing it wrong and wen he gets older he will be so naughty!
if he does something ill say no - which he just laughs at so i move him away, so he does summit else he knows he is not allowed to do so i repeat it again then he goes back to the last thing he wansnt ment to be doing, and so on.
he isnt sleeping again at nite every time he starts to sleep thro he gets a cold or summit it goes up the shoot, at the mo i put him down at 7.30 i keep putting him into bed up untill bout 9, then he wakes 3 times between 9 and 6.30 wen he is up for the day, its been like this for 5 days now, i know he has had chicken pox and i must sound so selfish it is unreal but i am so tired and he knows it so he plays up even more, he isnt even really having day naps nemore so i can have a sleep wen he is having a nap. :cry:
:hug: :hug:

What you are doing sounds great to me..Dylan is the same when i say no to him when he is biting me he just smiles at gurgles but i stop eye contact then praise him when he stops biting..i am hoping he will get the gist :pray:

There is nothing selfish about wanting LO to sleep because you are tired i love Dylan to bits but some nights i so look forward to him going to sleep so i can just sit down with a cup of tea

Oh hun :hug: :hug: :hug:

I think what you are doing sounds great! I do this with Gabs and if she persists I try to distract her with something else; this usually works!

Hope Braydon starts to sleep so you can get some sleep :hug:
Sarah dont worry to much hun Hannah is being a little cow at the moment, i just spend all day saying no and shouting its just a stage they r going through and hannah is waking in the night too, last night she woke at 1 and didnt got bk down while 4

aww hun dont feel that way Kiara is the same way its like she tries to test me some days :? Iknow its a normal stage but can be so stressful.
I hope B starts sleeping for you again maybe giveit a few days might be still feeling ill from chicken poxs
:hug: Katrina
Of course you are not a bad mummy! :hug:

It sounds to me like you are doing a great job! I will be doing exactly the same with Brody when he starts misbehaving! Which won't be long I'm sure! :lol:

I can sympathise with the tiredness though I'm knackered from getting up all night so it must be even harder once they are running around!

As others have said there is nothing selfish about wanting a bit of kip!

Hope you manage to get some rest soon!

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hey hun you're a brilliant mum.

I find that putting Naomi to bed earlier than 9 most nights is just asking for trouble. She comes in from the creche at 5 (where they will put her down for a nap - at least an hour despite my constant requests not to make it more than that) and has her tea at 7. Then at 8 pm I put on her pjs and start the bedtime routine of story, drink, brushing teeth and then bed. She's usually in bed by nine.

Lately, I've snuck it back about a half an hour so that it's closer to 8 30. Eventually, when she stops napping during the day I'll have brought it back to 7 30 or so hopefully.

Why don't you try that with Braydon? Maybe about a fortnight of going to bed at 9, then move it back to 8 30 for a fortnight, then 8. He won't feel it then. I think that 6 30 may be a little too early for him.

Maybe you feel that I have Naomi up way too late! :lol:

Hope you feel less tired soon. Nothing selfish about needing your rest. I always feel fresher and more able to deal when I'm rested. I'm like a bag of cats when I'm tired.

And as for being told you are doing it wrong? No way. You can't do it wrong. You are Braydon's mum. Whoever is undermining you needs to stop doing that, he needs to know that ultimately you are the boss and the buck stops with you. It might be hard for you to put your foot down though.

:hug: Hun I hope things get better soon.

i put him to bed at 7.30 he gets up at 6.30 sue

iv tried that in theory its great but my child dont like that hehe he gets up even earlier lol

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